Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve morning I drove to Tucson to have breakfast with my sister and brother and their spouses. Lorraine and Larry were on their way to Pacen (?) and Eddie and Teri and I met them for breakfast. They gave Ed an exercise block. It was good to get together with them. A good time. Came home and finished my shopping.

Christmas morning my sister called. We talk every Saturday am. It is always good to talk to her. I caught up on the family in OK. Then my daughter called and they are driving back home from Oregon this am. She liked her presents. I got ahold of Michael later in the am and he liked his also. I'm so glad everyone liked their presents. It is always a worry for me as I try to get something the giftee will like.

Then I drove to Tucson for breakfast with my brother Eddie and Teri. My niece, Tanya, and her family, Devin, Ezra and Rylie came over. It was so nice to have Christmas with little children. They are toooooo cute!! Teri made us all a very good breakfast, then we opened presents. Tanya made us wall hangings. Very nice! Teri and Ed got me the book Valley Forge, which I was going to get for myself. Yeh!!!

Today, back to reality and laundry, etc. Thank goodness the weather is good. It is supposed to be in the high 60's today.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas

I've been knitting like crazy to get Christmas presents finished. In the meantime, I had a broken tooth that needed a crown. I found a very good dentist and he did the crown in 1 visit. Preparation and making the crown and putting it on. The advances in dentistry, amazing!

Today I'm mailing the last of the presents. I did not get the one made for my son-in-law that I wanted. I will start it tomorrow. I have to put the knitting away and get out the beads.

For some reason this has been a hard year to get into the spirit of Christmas. It has finally hit and I'm in a much better place than I was last week. Got my cards mailed, etc.

It is finally a little chilly and more like winter. I'm going to my brother's for Christmas breakfast. His daughter and family will be there. It should be fun with little kids there. They are soooo cute.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I drove to California to have Thanksgiving with my children. Mapquest said it would take 14 hours, sooo I thought I can do that. Well, it took me about 17 hours. Needless to say I won't do that again.

It as so good to see my children. Carmel and her boyfriend Robt are renting a house across the street from his son and his family. They were gone for the week and Billie and I settled in over there and Abb arrived on Tuesday.

Michael showed up on TG day and we had a very good dinner. It was really nice to be together again. I missed in last year as I was in Florida.

Friday Carmel and I went yarn shopping and did not find any yarn shops that we liked. But, we did find a consignment store. Wow! It had great stuff! I got a top and a jacket. Carmel shopped for work clothes as she just started a new job.

On Saturday we went to some of their friends home for green chili turkey enchiladas. It had been a long time since I had good enchiladas. After dinner Carmel and one of the other guests sang for us. A good time was had by all.

Sunday I went to visit Michael in San Francisco. Abb was still there so we all went to Golden Gate park and went thru one of the musiums then to Michaels and then to dinner.

Billie and I left on Monday and drove to Apple Valley to visit a good friend that I have not seen in about 6 years. She talked me into staying another day and it was so nice to see her again and catch up. She has 2 of the cutest dogs, Mimsie and Harley. Billie and the dogs finally established boundarys. It was quite comical!

We got home and relaxed and Billie has not left my lap since we got home. He travels pretty good, but is always happy to be home. As, I think we all are.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Last week I went to my 50th high school reunion. I picked up a friend, Gail, in Tucson. She flew in from Maryland by way of LA. It was a long trip for her. But we made it and caught up with another classmate, Willa Dean. Friday about 15 of us met for lunch at the local diner and had a good time catching up. Then there was the parade and meeting more classmates. After that we could go to the game or up to one of our classmates home for a get-together. Needless to say we chose the get-together. It was really nice to catch up with everyone.

Saturday Gail and I drove around and visited our old homesites and high school. Our high school was an old Army-Air Force base that was rented for the grand sum of $1. per year. Now it is fenced and falling apart. Very sad. One of the homes I lived in is still around and looks like it has had some work done on it. The other one is gone! But a new home has been built next to it.

Fosters Freeze is closed but still standing. Carls is gone. We used to "cruise" from Fosters to Carls. Just to see if anyone new (?) was in town. What were we thinking it was Blythe! Nobody new ever.

All in all it was good to see everyone again.

Gail came home with me and we then went to Tombstone and Bisbee. It was nice to drive around and see this part of the country. I put her on the plane Wed then drove to Maricopa to see my niece and her family. The kids are sooooo cute!

Now I'm getting ready to drive to California for Thanksgiving. I'm looking so forward to seeing my children. It has been to long.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Trip to Tucson

Yesterday I drove to Tucson to have my nails and hair done. It was good to see Bev, my nail tech. She winters in Tucson and then goes home to SD for the summer. Then I had my hair cut. The one I got in Oklahoma was not what I wanted. Now that I know what I want my hair is to short. So, Roxy cut it very short but with the basic cut that I want it to grow into. A bob with a wedge. It is REALLY short. But it will grow back, that is the one thing about hair that is good since we (women) change our mind so often.

Then I went to my brother and sister-in-laws house and visited with them. It was good to see them after so long.

Today I think I will wash my unit - when it warms up and if the wind does not start again. There are a lot of bugs on the front and it just needs a general cleaning.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Huachuca City, Az

Made it to my winter home. The park is small but very well kept and it seems to be very quiet too. They have some activities planned but not enough to interfere with your life. Yesterday I got my truck washed, did some grocery shopping and went to Tombstone. I just wanted to see the country without trees in the way. I love the southwest.

I have to wash my rig in the next few days as I am heading to Blythe, Ca for my 50th class reunion. I'm picking up a high school chum in Tucson and we are driving over. Taking Billie with me as I don't know anyone here to watch him. Then Gail is coming back with me for a few days and leaves for home the 17th.

All else is good.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Deming, NM

I left Alpine, Tx on Monday and had a very pleasant trip. I drove 60 mph all the way and my gas mileage was much better. I got around 11.7 mpg. Yeh!

The park is big and all gravel with a few trees. But, in Deming that is good as the wind blows a lot and there is a water shortage. After all we are in the desert. At Last!! I can see forever and not a tree or building in the way.

I've visited my sister and brother-in-law this week and will see my cousin in Las Cruces next week. I have another cousin somewhere here but don't have a current address or phone #. Hopefully I can find him.

The weather is good, cooling off a little. Fall is in the air.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fort Stockton, Texas

Yesterday I drove to Fort Stockton. It was a beautiful clear morning and the trip was nice. When I got there I went to the smallest Wall Mart I have seen. I needed cat litter and chemical for my tanks.

Fort Stockton is a small town with a Historic District. I drove around the Historic District and then found the Chamber of Commerce building and got some pamphlets and a map of the area. I saw the oldest house and some of the other buildings. There is a driving tour but the signage is lacking.

All in all it was a nice day, but I would not make the trip again. Tomorrow I think I will go see the State Park at Big Bend.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Big Bend River Tour

I took a raft trip on the Rio Grande Monday. It was an 11 mile trip through the Colorado Canyon. Needless to say it was very wonderful. It has been many years since my last raft trip. This one had 1 #2 rapid. It was not the canyon I had signed up for, but the water level in the other canyon was to low. Evidently that part of the water level is regulated from the Mexican side of the river.

All in all I do reccommend it if you come down this way. There is a lot to see. Today I'm going to Fort Stockton. More tomorrow!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center

Yesterday I went for a hike at the Center. It is near Fort Davis and the geography is similar. Very much like NM and AZ. Even though it is an easy 1 hour hike I had overestimated myself. I have not hiked for a long time and it was hot. Needless to say, I did have to rest once, which probably is not that bad. I saw Javalinas and a snake. It was so peaceful and quiet with a gentle breeze, a piece of heaven on earth.

After a short rest I walked the botanical garden part and was very impressed with the way it was layed out. They have a program to band hummingbirds, evidently there are a 16 species in the Davis Mountains.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fort Davis, Texas

Yesterday after I had the truck looked at I drove to Fort Davis. It is about 30 miles away and it is a really beautiful drive. It reminded me of NM and AZ. My kind of country.

The park service has done a good job of restoring it. They have an 8 minute movie about the history. They have several buildings that are also furnished. It was a very quiet peaceful walk around the grounds.

Update on Truck

I took my truck to a mechanic yesterday due to the bad MPG that I got on my trip here. He was a very nice young man and he checked it out. He said that the new air filter that I had put on in OK was not the problem. The computer that checks the mpg works better with that filter. He suggested I put on a regular air filter and see it that helps.

I am going to talk to my male relatives about it and see how it does on the rest of the trip to AZ.

Oh, he did not charge me for the check up. :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Marathon, Tx

Yesterday I spent the day getting familiar with the area. I went to a few galleries and then the Big Bend Museum. It is located at the university and they do a very good job. It shows the history of the area from before the spaniards got here. Very interesting and presented very well. I really enjoyed it.

Then I decided to drive to Marathon, it is 30 miles away and is a small village. It reminded me of Las Cruces when I was a child. A sleepy little village with cafe's and several art galleries. I enjoyed the drive over too. The area is a lot like southern NM and AZ. I could see for miles!!!

Tomorrow I have an appointment to have my truck looked at. It has not been the same since the last oil change.

Thursday is Big Bend Park day. I'm looking forward to it. I might book a raft trip.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trip to Alpine Texas

I left Sweetwater early yesterday morning. The trip was uneventful, for a while. I saw a sign for Stanton, Tx that read: "Home of 3,000 friendly people and several old sore heads". I love this country! Then I drove thru Midland, Tx, home of President and Laura Bush. It is much larger than I thought.

I should have filled by gas tank before I left there as there is not another town for about 200 miles. Needless to say I ran out of fuel 19 miles from my destination. I called OnStar and since I had 1 gallon left they could not help me, I had to be completely out of gas. I stopped at a spot that looked safe to me. I was on a 2 lane highway and found a spot that had 4 lanes and I pulled over as far as I could. I then got ahold of a towing company and "they don't deliver fuel". By that time I was totally frustrated. I called the RV Park and they called the Highway Patrol and a very nice patrolman brought me 5 gallons of fuel. This took about 1 1/2 hours. I then limped into town and put $45 in so I could get to the park. It was a very hot frustrating afternnon.
Normally I get 300 miles to a tank when I have the trailer attached. This time I got 257. I went from 10-11 mpg to 8.3!!!! I have an appt tomorrow to have it checked out. This is NOT ok.

Even in the state I was in the area is beautiful. You come over a hill and there is a beautiful green valley. The rv park is very nice, the spaces are level and large enough to park your truck without sticking out in the driveway.

Today I'm going into town and checking it out. I just don't feel like driving for a long time today.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Abilene Tx

Wed. I went to Abilene to visit a girl I went to high school with. It was really good to see her and catch up. We met her husband for lunch at a Bells Chicken Rest. They serve family style and with your choice of meat you get corn, green beens, gravy and rolls. Plus it was all very good.

Then we went to Frontier Texas. It is a history of western Texas and they do a great job. I really enjoyed it. It gave a history of the Indians and how they were eliminated from the area. I was impressed that they did not sugar coat it. There were video images talking about their part in history. There are 2 rooms in the round that are very well done. I highly reccommend you see it, if you are in the area.

Sweetwater Tx

I left Oklahoma early Monday morning. I stopped and had my trailer and truck washed before I hit the road. I felt sad and glad at the same time. Sad to be leaving family but glad to be on the road again. I got here about 3pm. The manager and his wife came over to help me and show me where everything is. Some Elks Lodges have RV facilities and this is one of them.

Wed. they have hamburger night, for $5 you get hamburger w/fixings, fries, beens and a drink. Plus it was good.

Not sure where I will be next. I'm on my way to the Big Bend National Park in South Texas. I'm hoping the weather will be good (cooler) while there.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I had cataract surgery on my right eye several weeks ago and today I went to the Dr and now I have an infection. So, I'm here for at least 1 more week. I am so ready to be on the road again.
This is very dissapointing news.

Tomorrow I'm going to Carnegie to visit one of my ex-sister-in-laws. She is very nice and I enjoy her company. Friday my sister-in-law and niece are coming up from Texas for a visit. We might take them to the fair.

I've been knitting and have a scarf started that incorporates beads in the pattern. It is not one that I can just sit and knit and watch tv or visit. I have to really concentrate on the pattern. This might be the only one I do. I think socks are next. I enjoy knitting them.

My sisters is doing very good with her new dog. He is a pleasure to be around and so funny. Such a clown!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


It is raining right now. I checked the weather on tv this am and they said NO rain for Ok city. Guess they did not look out the window. It is pouring. We are going to visit a friend, Crystal, in Tulsa. I hope we don't get rained on the whole way.

I've just been getting some loose ends taken care of. New glasses, new sewer hoses, truck serviced, etc. I'm planning a trip to southern Texas but I just checked the temp down there for the next month and it is still HOT. Not sure how long I will stay down there.

My niece and family are moving to Tucson soon. I thought I would find a park closer to them, but it looks like I might stay in Tucson longer than a few months. We will see.

My sister-in-law and niece are coming up next week end. That will be nice. We haven't seen them since the funeral. She seems to be getting along ok. She has a strong support group where she lives. She is quite active in her community and there are other widows in the group.

Friday, September 3, 2010


My sister and I went to Branson, Mo for a few days. We decided we needed a few fun days. It was a nice drive over and the hotel was nice. However, we discovered that they do not provide coffee pots in the rooms. :( Branson is a lot smaller than I thought it would be. Just 6200 population. But a lot to see.

We went to a time share presentation, for $100. Needles to say we did not buy. Then shopping and the Showboat. The show was good but the food was VERY good. Then home to bed. The next day we shopped and then went to see the Sons of the Pioneers. They were fabulous and the food was ok. They brought Sheryl up on stage for a bit. Naturally, I had left my camera back at the hotel. We did not take one picture.

Yesterday we left at 8am and took a back road to the 44. It was a very pretty but slow road. Got back home about 3pm and it was good to be home. Billie was on my lap as much as possible. Last night there was a storm that passed thru and I was worried, but my trailer did not even rock. Just wind and rain.

Today I'm tired and just unpacking and doing laundry.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More of the Same

This has been a week of more of the same. I am just doing the normal living things. I have started a new knitting project. A pair of wrist warmers for my sister and I am learning to knit in the round. Not as complicated as it looked when I started. I also finished a scarf for a Christmas present.

We did drive to Anadarko to visit a museum and the bakery that delivered 5 tray of goodies to my sisters home the day of the funeral. It was a long drive for them and we wanted to let them know we appreciated it. Besides the goodies were delicicious.

We are going to go to Branson Monday for a few days. That sounds like fun and we do need some.

Oh! I bought a new system for my sewer. The hose is supposed to be a lot stronger, now to put it on. This should be intersting.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Cataract Surgery

Had the surgery today. All went well. I can now see distance out of my right eye. Hopefully I will be able to read again. I have several books waiting. Also a beading project. It took all of 45 minutes after they got me signed in and the pre-op stuff taken care of. I remember seeing lots of colors.

My sister took good care of me and fed me a very good dinner. She is so sweet and a really good sister. I lucked out on that one.

Tomorrow I go for a check up.

Thanks to all who wished me well.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Yesterday was Dan's funeral. We drove down on Thursday and went to the viewing and then to dinner with the family. It was a very emotional and sad time. Especially for my sister, Sheryl. She lost her husband July 1st and this was a double whammy for her.

We drove home yesterday and it was a long drive. I'm exhausted. Today I'm just doing laundry and other household chores. We might go to a movie today, if we can find a comedy. I'm not up for a heavy drama.

Monday I have cataract surgery on my right eye. Whew!!! I'll keep you all posted on the results.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Beloved Brother, Dan

My sister and I drove down to Texas to see our brother, Dan. He has bile duct cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. While we were there he was put on 24 hour nursing care by Hospice. It was a very sad week end. I think he only has days left as he is no longer aware of his surroundings.

For those of you that don't know, our Mother had given him up for adoption and he found us about 17 years ago. Not long enough to have him in our lives. He fit in our family like he had always been in it. Similar sense of humor, etc. He even looked a lot like our father.

I got a call Monday morning that Dan passed away. He will be missed.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Air Conditioner

It has been over a week that my air conditioner has been on the fritz. Ice was forming on the inside coils. If I turned it off and let the ice melt and turned it back on it would work for a while. The repairman put in a new thermister and that did not help and it was forming ice on both sides of the coils. He came back and tested the box and said I needed a new air conditioner.

He was supposed to call the Warrenty Co Tuesday. I called yesterday and found that he had not called them and he is not returning any of my calls. I went to the office and discovered that he is not answering their calls either. I found another repairman and am waiting for a call for them to come check it out and pehaps finally fix it.

In the meantime I'm at my sisters house with my cat. Needless to say he does not like the dog. She just got a 10 month old german shepard and he is very enthusiastice about the cat. I can't wait to get back home. Neither can Billie.

This week end we are going to visit our brother in Texas. Our other brother from Az is flying in. It will be nice for all of us to be together, I just wish it were under better circumstances.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well, it is official. I do have a cataract on my right eye. Surgery is scheduled for the 16th of August. According to the video it will not be as traumatic as I thought. But, I still do not like it.

My air conditioner has been on the fritz. It works for a few hours then freezes. The repairman has tried several solutions and he finally put in a new part. It was 89 in here when I left and went back to my sisters house. I came back about 3:30 pm and it is now 84. That is progress!!!! Especially in this heat and humidity. No ice either.

Kizer, the dog has been a problem when we let him out of the crate. This a.m. I went back and let him out after only 1 hour and he went nuts. Nipping at my ankles and jumping up on me. I just put him back in the crate and took my shower, etc. I then went and got my truck washed and came back home to wait for the repairman. I decided that if I was calmer and gave him a treat he might do better. When I went back I made him sit and stay in the crate and then gave him a treat and let him out. I also was sitting in a chair and he was a lot calmer. He just went around and around the chair. I gave him pats and told him what a good dog he is. That worked a lot better. One of my sisters friends told her to just turn around and not talk to him and to keep turning until he quit. That sounds good too. I think whatever we were doing was escalating his behavior.

My poor cat is upset about being locked in the guest room. I let him out when Kizer is in the crate, but he just cries when he hears my voice. We just need to be in our home and back to our routine.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Update - Sister/Brother

Still in Oklahoma and will be for a while. My sister is doing good. We started cleaning the garage yesterday. We worked on it for 2 hours and got some shelves cleaned. Took many cans of paint to the hazerdous dump. They have a very slick operation there. We didn't even have to get out of the car. There is much more to clean. Jay was a pack rat extrodinaire.

My brother, Eddie, from Tucson is flying in to see Dan. Sheryl and I will drive down to see him. This is not a trip we are looking forward to. There will be 4 weeks difference in Dan. This is very hard to deal with.

I have an appt with an Opthamologist tomorrow regarding the cataract on my right eye. Hopefully this will not be to much of an ordeal. I'll let all know asap.

I hope my next post will have better news.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Texas - Brother, Dan

Earlier this week my sister and I drove to Granbury, Tx to visit our brother, Dan. He has bile duct cancer and has been on chemo. It was a good trip down there, but when we got there we realized how far along he is. We got there Tuesday afternoon, after he had a CAT scan and left Thursday am. Stopped at several antique stores and a produce stand. Bought one of the best watermelons I've had.

On Friday he went to the Dr for the results of the CAT scan. The chemo had no effect on the cancer and they took him off chemo and told them to call Hospice. This is not news the that we wanted to hear. I think this has prolonged my stay in Oklahoma as the prognosis is not good. He has not been with us long enough as we only found him about 16 years ago. Our Mother had given him up for adoption and he found us. It has been amazing having an older brother. It was like he had been a part of our family from the beginning. His sence of humor is the same, etc. and his wife, Jo is like a sister. She is so sweet.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Jay's Funeral

Jay's funeral was yesterday. It was a very nice funeral and there were a lot of people there. He had a lot of friends. He retired from the Army after serving one tour in Korea and two terms in Viet Nam. They had a military funeral the it was very touching. They actually played TAPS live and not a recording. There was an 80% chance of rain yesterday, but we did not get any. It was cloudy and cool.

My sister is doing as good as can be expected. She still has company, but they leave tomorrow. We plan on going down to Texas to visit our brother, Dan, for a few days Monday.

I'm going to a lab this morning to get things set for some lab work and then I need my eyes checked. My right lens is blurry - lens or eye? I think it is my eye. It is nice to be in one place for a while to get this sort of stuff done. I don't like the circumstances but it is nice.

Billie doesn't like it as I have been gone all day since we got here. He is scolding me then ignores me for a while. Cats!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I left Memphis about 8:30 am and drove to Ft Smith Arkansas. I got there at noon and thought what am I going to do here so I called OnStar and they said it was only 3 more hours to Yukon. So, I just drove on thru. I thought I would be more tired than I was. I am glad to get up this morning and not have to hit the road again. It was a good decision.

This is the first time I've stayed at this park and it is nice and so far quiet. I plan on staying in this area for about 2 months as my brother-in-law passed away and I think my sister will need me. Especially after everyone goes home and all the activity is over. They were married 42 years. Today I have orders to be at her house by 9am so we can talk to the pastor and go to the funeral home.

A lot of family is coming in for the funeral and it will be good to see them, just not under these circumstances. Jay was loved and will be missed by many.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


When I pulled in the other day there was a bird that kept chirping at me and acting wierd. I got set up and then checked my bird book and discovered that it was a kildeer. Evidently they fake a broken wing to distract you from the nest.

I went outside and looked for a nest and did not find one and was very confused as to its actions. Gene, my nephew, came over and I was telling him about it and we went out and he found the egg. It was just laying there among the rocks in the space next door.

So now when I go out I make sure not to upset the mother bird. She just sits on the egg even in the heat of the day. There are not trees around the park so I was suprised to see a nesting bird.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Memphis, Tn

I got an early start for my trip to Memphis. Got here about 1pm. It was a pretty good trip. It did not take long to set up as the spot is pretty level. I'm at the Agriculture Center, suprisingly they have an RV park. Not many amenities but it will do for 3 days. There is a Farmers Market here and I went over there this am. Bought a Christmas present for a friend.

Last night I went to my nephews home and had dinner with him and their 2 boys. His wife had to work so I'm seeing her today. I had not seen her or the boys for 13 years. Way to long. Today we are going into town and do some sight seeing. Should be interesting.

Not sure what is happening for tomorrow, probably just hanging out.

Then on to Oklahoma. My brother-in-law passed away and I'm going to stay with my sister for a few months. Hopefully I will have something good to write about.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Corvette Museum

I took the day off traveling and spent the day cleaning and replenishing. I went to WalMart and shopped for food. Yeh! Then I decided to get my truck washed. What a problem. Seems the hitch in the bed is a problem for the car washes in this part of the country. I talked them into doing it with no problem. It looks a lot better. Now to get my trailer washed.

Then I went to the Corvette Museum. A car I have loved since high school. They had a 1959, my favorite!!!. It was nice to have a day off traveling. I feel a lot better.

I'm on my way to Memphis to visit my nephew and his family.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I left Va on Monday and spent that night in a small rv park in Grayson, KY. It was a long day of driving, yes, once again in a tunnel of trees. I know there was more of West Virginia that I did not get to see. The park was nice. I could get 4 tv stations, thank goodness one was cbs. NCI yeh!!

Pulled out about 8:30 am and drove to Bowling Green, KY. Kentucky does not have as many trees and the drive though long was a lot more enjoyable. Lots of road construction, but not bad.

Another long day. Pulled into the KOA in Bowling Green and was given a site. Not a very wide spot and it took me 30 minutes and 3 drive thru's to get to a point I thought I could get my trailer level. Needless to say I was very frustrated by it all. I finally got set up and cooled down.

Today I need to get my truck washed, go to Walmart, laundry, etc. Also the Corvette Museum. I want to just visit with my nephew and his family as I will only be there 3 days. I'm cutting my stay one day short as I think I will have a better chance of getting thru Nashville on the 5th as it is a holiday. Hope to miss the early morning work traffic. Also my brother-in-law is not doing good and I need to get to Ok as soon as possible.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I woke up and decided to stay home and clean. I finally got ahold of Tenzin and she has the day off. So, I got ready and drove 4 hours to see her. I'm glad I did. We decided to have lunch with her boyfriend. Her boyfriends father joined us, so the 4 of us had lunch and visited. His parents are very nice and Tenzin is lucky to be able to stay with them this summer. She is to check her work schedule and we will spend one of them together.

Tenzin called and she has Sunday and Monday off. We decided on Sunday as I'm leaving Tuesday and have to drive. I got up early and left home at 6am got there about 10am. We visited with her boyfriends mother and then decided to go to the mall. Once there we went to a movie, saw Karate Kid. Better than I thought it would be. Left there before 5pm as I did not want to drive those mountain curves at night.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wild Wood Campground

It was a relative short drive to this park. On Star let me down on this one. Said I had arrived at my destination and there was nothing there. I pulled off the road and called the camp and no one answered, so I call OnStar and had them find the park and give me better directions. I was only about 3 miles away but they were curvy mountain miles. I arrived and got set up. Thank goodness they had a pull thru. I was in no mood to have to back in.

This is a nice park, lots of trees, playground, pool and mini golf. There isn't a lot to see around here, but I only came so I could see Tenzin.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Well Friday was interesting. I was driving down to see Cades Cove which is 2-3 hours away. I was getting low on fuel and decided I best fill up. I saw a sign that said diesel and pulled in. There was a big truck getting fuel and when he pulled out I pulled in. Saw the green handle and started filling my tank. Realized I was not putting in diesel but regular GAS!!! I stopped immediately and went in to the station and told the owner what I had done and one of the customers called a tow truck associated with a garage. They came and got me and took me to their place, just a few blocks away. Thank goodness I did not start the engine and just let my truck sit in the way. No gas got to the engine.

They called a car rental place for me and I finished my sight seeing in a Kia mini van. It was a sweet ride, very impressive handling, etc. got back about 4pm and they had drained and cleaned by tank, filled my tank with diesel for me. It was a very expensive lesson. PAY ATTENTION!!

A green handle does not mean the same in all parts of the country.

I've spent the last few days feeling very embarressed and depressed about it. Still haven't told anyone about it. Just decided to post it on my blog. But today I have to go shopping and fax the tow bill to the insurance company to get reimbursed - probably in about 6 months.

Tomorrow I leave for Va and hopefully a visit with Tenzin, my little sister. She is there for the rest of the summer. I probably won't get to see her again for a while.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Roan Mtn State Park/ Rhododendron Garden

Today I had planned on going to Gatlinburg but realized it was a 2 hour drive and I was already behind schedule. So I drove to the Roan Mtn State Park and then the Rhododendron Garden. The garden is just off the Apalachian Trail and well worth the drive. I was not sure what they looked like, so it was all a very pleasant surpise. Naturally, I did not do any research and was not prepared for the cold weather. It was 59, windy and foggy. But even the weather could not deter me from walking the garden. It is just awsome. My pictures do not do it justice but here are a few.

On the way back I stopped at a little cafe and had lunch. Had the best lunch in a long time. Hat off to the chef!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to drive to Cades Cove near Gatlinburg. Everyone says that Gatlinburg is just a tourist town with to much traffic.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bluff City, Tn

I got up early this morning and started getting ready to leave. Even though I started early I was dripping wet by the time I left at 8 am. I got here about 3:30 pm but there is an hour difference in time, so it did take me 6 1/2 hours travel time. I stopped twice, once for a rest stop and then for fuel.

The park is very nice and the spaces are wide. I had to have help backing in as they keep the pull thrus for the overnighters. Tomorrow is a planning and local day. I'm all driven out!!! pooped, actually.

Billie is too, he slept all the way here and is still asleep. The only time he woke up whas while I was setting up and he let me know he was one unhappy cat. oh well!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Staying home

Today I'm staying in and keeping cool. Yesterday I met Carolyn and we went into Birmingham to a farmers market. It was very good. Lots of different tomatoes. Most I had never heard of. Then we went to their house and dropped off our purchases and then went to Annitson to a museum and yarn shop. I bought some really knit yarn for a scarf and some ribbon to see what I can knit.

We went to the Natural History Museum and it was very good. We stopped at an antique store, but they did not have any that I could not live without. Carolyn fixed dinner and we had a very nice visit. I'm so glad I caught up with them. They are friends of Dan and Rebecca that I met several years ago.

Tomorrow I plan on getting all ready to leave Tues for Bluff City, Tn. It is in the smokey mountains and I am really looking forward to seeing all that I can while there.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tannehill Ironworks State Park

Yesterday I went to see the Tannehill Ironworks State Park. I reccommend it to everyone. It was very interesting. The museum is wonderful. There are a lot of machines, etc from the ironworks that I don't understand how they worked but just the fact that they did is amazing to me. The forge was gigantic. I can't even imagine working it.

I hiked over to the ironworks and that also was very interesting. On the way there they have restored cabins from that era. It is a state park with camping and rv sites so they had a playground tucked up in the trees and there was a creek. All in all a good place to take the family.

I had lunch at the local bbq spot. Good but messy!

On the way back I was not paying attention and passed the I-20 exit. I took the next one thinking I would get off and then backtrack. But no that did not work. The next exit was miles away and took me north and east of where I wanted to be. I did get off and decided to see if I could find my way back to I-20. I did pretty good but panicked and called On Star to find out that I was only about a mile away from it. I think I did pretty good though as I was on country roads that did not look like there was a destination. I love OnStar!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lakeside Landing RV & Marina, Cropwell, Al

I made it! I got here about 3:30 pm and got set up. It was so hot and humid I was dripping wet and overheated by the time I got everything done. I am on a lakeside spot and have a great veiw of the lake. There are dozens of ducks and I think some swans. Billie and I went for a walk this am and there was a heron on the dock. It is so peaceful and beautiful here. I think I will like it.

I checked out things to do and there are caverns and hiking trails. Also antique stores. Yeh!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Coca Cola and Old Court House Museums

Yesterday I did museums. The Coca Cola Museum was small but interesting. Evidently a local store owner decided that if Coca Cola sold so good in town he needed to get it to the outlaying areas. He bottled it and started selling it that way.

The Old Courthouse Museum was very interesting. One of the best museums so far. There was a lot of Civil War memorbelia. A must see if in the area.

I'm leaving today and going to Alabama. Not sure how long I will stay, I usually stay for a week but I do want to see Tenzin this trip and she will be in Virginia in a town close to DC.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Longwood in Natchez MS

Saturday I drove to Natchez and found it to be a very quaint town. I stopped at a Trading Post and was given ideas of what to visit and where to eat. One of the places I was told to visit was the Longwood home. It is the largest octagonal house in America. Construction was started in 1860 before the Civil War. Unfortunately it started before the home could be completed. It was to be 6 stories but only 1 was completed and the family lived there and never finished it.

I then went to the Grand Village of the Natchez Indians. It had 2 mounds and 1 replica of their homes. The grounds were beautiful and I enjoyed the walk around the grounds. There were tons of birds and I thought I would get my binoculars and sit and watch them for a while. Well I got them and naturally they were quiet and not flying around when I got back to the bench.

I wake up to birds singing and I love it. There are tons of song birds in the area.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Vicksburg National Military Park

I got up and thought I would go to the Vicksburg Battlefield Museum. Well the csr at OnStar did not listen to the whole address and sent me to the wrong one. In my effort to find it I came to the National Military Park and decided to go there. It was a very good decision. The park is beautiful and there is a large number of statues to commemorate the Civil War battles. One of the most surprising was USS Cairo one of a fleet of iron clad ships. It was the first ship to be sunk by a remote detonator. Very impressive.

I did find the Battlefield Museum and went there too. It was ok, but not as good as the park. I went back home and took a nap.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trip to Vicksburg, Ms

I left early this morning, about 8:30am. Nothing unusual, just rolling along and then wham! Up ahead of me an accident between a car and a motorcycle. I put on my brakes and managed to pull off to the side. I went up to see if I could help but there were already folks there to help. I helped the man over to the side of the road and checked him out for any dangerous injuries. He was dizzy and had some scrapes on his hands. His wife was on the ground and was breathing, they finally got her to talk. I pulled my rig up to protect her and make sure no one drove up to the accident. Everyone was so helpful and patient. No horns honking etc. The EMS got there right away and got her on a back board and in the ambulance. Her husband went with her and his friends took his motorcycle. I lost about 30 minutes in all. Which was not bad for that type of accident.

I arrived at the RV park around 1pm. it is nice and there is a sewer connection. I can take a shower and shave my legs. I had to take very quick ones in Slidell as they did not have sewer hook ups, but did have a dump station on the grounds. The water was so soft I thought I would never get the shampoo out of my hair.

It is good to finally be someplace again for a while. There is a lot to see, so I best get my schedule done. Right.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Yesterday Billie and took our morning walk and there were Canadian Geese on the pond. A family of 9. Five adults and 4 little ones. They are not nervous about us watching them, the manager said they are used to people and visit the pond on a regular basis.

I took the day off yesterday, didn't feel very good. Today it is raining and I think I will just spend the day getting ready to leave tomorrow. I'm on my way to Vicksburg, Ms for a week. Then across Alabama and wind my way north to W. Va. My little sister, Tenzin, will be there for the summer and I want to visit with her as it will probably be a long time before I see her again. She is going to college in Ct.

This oil spill is devastating. So sad.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today I started to go to Baton Rouge but ended up in a small town that had an antique district. I spent the day shopping and had lunch then a slow drive back. It was very nice to actually see some of the country and not just trees.

Yesterday I spent in the trailer with the air conditioning on. The heat and humidity of Tuesday just did me in. I can't take to much of it. I long for the southwest - to see a cactus. I know that sounds strange, but this part of the country is not for me. It is beautiful and the people have been so nice, but it is not home.

Sheryl made her salsa while I was there and it made me homesick for some good Mexican food. The operative word is good.

Tomorrow is laundry day. I found a laundry mat not to far from here. I've been putting it off as I hate them but there is not a sewer hook up here.

New Orleans

I went to New Orleans Tuesday. I was scheduled to take a tour at 2pm but I got there early to walk around the French Quarter. I found a parking lot that had room for my truck and decided a little extra walk would not hurt me. I enjoyed a slow walk and took in the atmosphere of the area. It is so different than what I'm used to. I really liked it. The shops are interesting and lots of bars and restaurants.

I took one of many horse drawn tours and the tour guide was very interesting and full of history. I recommend this tour very much, I saw a lot of the Quarter and did not have to walk in this humidity.

Had coffee and a french donut at Cafe Monde. It was ok. The coffee was good but the donut is a smaller version of Indian Fry Bread served with powdered sugar. I walked around for a while and decided I needed a cool spot for lunch. The humidity in this part of the country is getting the better of me. I found an art store that was a cooperative and had some very good artists. One gave me the name of a yarn store. I'm not sure I'm going there, as I have enough yarn for 3 projects already.

The bus tour was ok. Again, not as good as the one I took in St. Louis, Mo. But I did see a lot of the city out side of the French Quarter. Then some red beans and rice for dinner and home. While walking back to my truck I noticed that the city was waking up. Musicians on the street and the lights were coming on. If I were with someone I would have stayed a little longer, but as I was by myself I left.

If the weather was better New Orleans would be a place I could live.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yesterday I stayed around home. Needed to wash hair etc. About noon I decided to go find fuel as I'm headed into New Orleans today. I stopped at a mall and did some window shopping. While there a storm blew threw. Loud thunder and the lights went out in the mall.just for a few seconds. The wind blew and it really rained hard. When I got back the tire covers were almost off, the cat cage overturned and my new welcome sign was laying on the ground. It is supposed to be here again today.

I'm leaving early to go into New Orleans and walk around the french quarter. My tour is at 2pm but since parking is at a premium I'm getting there early.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Slidell La Elks Lodge

I'm finally on my 2010 journey. The Elks Lodge has very nice facilities. I'm backed up to a small pond. Billie has a lot to watch from the back window. There are Live Oak trees and a large grassy area. Pool and showers, elect and water. All for $11. per day. The manager parked my trailer for me and he just backed it in like it was nothing. I think I best start doing in myself so I can do that. Yeah right!

Today I'm going to drive to the Barataria Preserve, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park. The road goes to the wetlands. I don't know how far I can go since the oil spill. A very sad event.

The weather is hot and humid. The low tonight is supposed to be 75. Ugh!!! More later.

Friday, May 21, 2010

50,000 miles

Wednesday I hit 50,000 miles on my truck. Unfortunately not all of it was traveling. Tomorrow I actually start my 2010 wanderings. I'm headed to Slidell, LA for a week. It is near New Orleans so I will go over and visit there and hope to get to Baton Rouge. I'm staying at the Elks Lodge there. All sites are back ins, so it will be interesting getting set up. Hope there is someone there to guide me in.

Yesterday Wendell, the park owner, put in a new window frame on my door. The other one had turned yellow and was distracting from my stained glass window. It looks so much better now. It was quite a job. You would think they could manufacture one that will not turn color.

Today is set for getting all ready to leave. I have mixed feelings about leaving. When you live someplace for a while you make friends and get very comfortable. I have made some very good friends here and will miss them. But I'm eager to leave too.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

High School Graduation

I went to OK for my great niece's graduation. She went to a private christian school and there were 17 graduates. It was a very nice ceremony. One of the things they did was each student asked their parents to stand and they told them what they meant to them. A lot of tears were shed!!!

Needless to say, my niece was the prettiest graduate. She is going to go to South Western Oklahoma State in Weatherford. I'm very proud of her.

My brother-in-law is not doing as good as we had hoped. My sister is having a hard time with this. I hope I can be there for her. I hate that she has to go thru this.

Before I left here there were tornadoes in OK and I was worried about being in one. Well, there was a tornado alert Sunday. The storm was produced only hail and no tornados. Thankfully. That is an experience I will pass.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Beading, etc

Saturday I went to a bead show with Margaret and was inspired to do more beading. We did find a new method in a bead book we bought. I started a new bead project today using the new method. I hope to use it to make the horse pattern bracelet that I found. First I need to get proficient at it.

I decided that I was going to make all the Christmas gifts this year and I hope to use this new method to make a gift for my daughters boyfriend. We shall see how it goes. Some people will get socks and others scarfs and matching hats. Also some had arm warmers. I think this will be fun, for me, at least.

This new exercise program is good. I started walking a mile a day and today I added a lap. I'm thinking of adding another time of day to walk too. That way I can do 2 miles a day. I am feeling better and sleeping better, which is a big plus. Maybe I'll lose some weight!! :) that would be a bonus.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Columbian Food

Today I had my nails done and went to lunch with Lynn, the lady that does my nails. We went to a Columbian restaurant. The food was very good however I did not like everything on my plate. Their tamales are not like the ones I'm used to. I liked everything else though. For all my friends that know what a fussy eater I am, this is news. I'm a "meat and potatoes" person.

I stopped and stocked up on the make up I wear as once I'm on the road again it might be hard to find. I also had a brain freeze on the pattern of the sock that I'm knitting and had to call the yarn shop. They walked me thru it and when I got home I finished the heel. :):) "I bet they will be glad when I leave the area." I really do like knitting them. The yarn is very colorful and they look good. They also fit very good. I forgot what it was like to wear socks with shaped heels. Tube socks Ugh!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to a bead show. Margaret and I have been trying to learn a new bead weaving method. I think I will like it when I get the hang of it. Slow go for me. More on that later. maybe even a picture.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Foggy Morning

It is foggy this morning and the birds are singing. Another storm came thru but the sun was out yesterday and it is supposed to be a sunny week end. I've been knitting and learning a new way to weave beads. I think I will like this very much, I won't have to set up the loom but get the same result. Also I can do smaller projects without the loom. Setting up the loom is much like setting up the ironing board. Once it is done all is good.

I got some bad news about one of my brothers and my brother-in-law. It has taken a few days for it to sink in. Like has a way of knocking us down when we least expect it. I'm afraid it is going to be a difficult year for my family.

Saturday Margaret, by beading partner, and I are going to a bead fair. Should be interesting. Then next week I head to OK for one of my neices high school graduation. She is such a beautiful young lady. Can't wait to see everyone.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Storm is Over

Yes, it rained again. A very large storm passed thru yesterday. There were tornados nearby, but here it was just windy and wet. This morning the sun is shining and the birds are singing.

I'm going to an Indian Flute Festival today. I signed up to help out and my alloted time slot is 12-4pm. I'm going early so I can look around and shop. I met a very nice lady at a pow wow I went to last year and she will be there selling her Christmas ornaments. She does these amazing doll ornaments.

Next week I have to go back to the yarn shop. I am stuck on the sock pattern. I know it is something very easy, but I just feel stuck. These socks will not get the best of me. I want to knit socks for Christmas gifts. Where is plan B??? What is plan B???

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Back to Pensacola

Right now I'm back at the Elk's Lodge in Perry, Fl. It is a very nice facility. I plan on having dinner here again. Leaving early am to get to Pensacola at a decent hour.

Having trouble deciding whether to change the TV to air antenna as it took me so long to get the cable to work at the last RV park. I still don't know what button I pushed to make it work. This is a good time to start a new book and listen to music. I'll let you know tomorrow if I could go 1 evening without TV!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Orange City RV Resort

I arrived at the RV park Saturday afternoon. Got set up and then called Glens sister, Linda. They had invited me to dinner, so I drove over and had a very nice visit.

The park is older and has a lot of full time residents. It is clean and the managers are friendly and very helpful. For some reason I could not get the cable to work. I was hot and tired and just put up the antennae. Yesterday I pushed a lot of buttons and got it to work. I have no idea what the right button is, but at this point I don't care. HGTV! Yeh!!!

Yesterday I drove to Mount Dora. It is a very cute town, lots of antique and art shops. If I were to concider Florida as a place to live Mount Dora would be my 1st choice. It sits on a lake and has a alot of open space around it. It is close enough to Orlando to have the benefits of a big city without the defecits.

Today I'm going to finish sorting thru clothes and putting away the last of my winter clothes. I need the space.

Tomorrow I head out again and am on the last leg of my trip in Florida. Then I need to decide which way I will go to finish my trip to the eastern part of the country.