Thursday, May 6, 2010

Foggy Morning

It is foggy this morning and the birds are singing. Another storm came thru but the sun was out yesterday and it is supposed to be a sunny week end. I've been knitting and learning a new way to weave beads. I think I will like this very much, I won't have to set up the loom but get the same result. Also I can do smaller projects without the loom. Setting up the loom is much like setting up the ironing board. Once it is done all is good.

I got some bad news about one of my brothers and my brother-in-law. It has taken a few days for it to sink in. Like has a way of knocking us down when we least expect it. I'm afraid it is going to be a difficult year for my family.

Saturday Margaret, by beading partner, and I are going to a bead fair. Should be interesting. Then next week I head to OK for one of my neices high school graduation. She is such a beautiful young lady. Can't wait to see everyone.

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