Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trip to Vicksburg, Ms

I left early this morning, about 8:30am. Nothing unusual, just rolling along and then wham! Up ahead of me an accident between a car and a motorcycle. I put on my brakes and managed to pull off to the side. I went up to see if I could help but there were already folks there to help. I helped the man over to the side of the road and checked him out for any dangerous injuries. He was dizzy and had some scrapes on his hands. His wife was on the ground and was breathing, they finally got her to talk. I pulled my rig up to protect her and make sure no one drove up to the accident. Everyone was so helpful and patient. No horns honking etc. The EMS got there right away and got her on a back board and in the ambulance. Her husband went with her and his friends took his motorcycle. I lost about 30 minutes in all. Which was not bad for that type of accident.

I arrived at the RV park around 1pm. it is nice and there is a sewer connection. I can take a shower and shave my legs. I had to take very quick ones in Slidell as they did not have sewer hook ups, but did have a dump station on the grounds. The water was so soft I thought I would never get the shampoo out of my hair.

It is good to finally be someplace again for a while. There is a lot to see, so I best get my schedule done. Right.

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