Sunday, July 25, 2010

Update - Sister/Brother

Still in Oklahoma and will be for a while. My sister is doing good. We started cleaning the garage yesterday. We worked on it for 2 hours and got some shelves cleaned. Took many cans of paint to the hazerdous dump. They have a very slick operation there. We didn't even have to get out of the car. There is much more to clean. Jay was a pack rat extrodinaire.

My brother, Eddie, from Tucson is flying in to see Dan. Sheryl and I will drive down to see him. This is not a trip we are looking forward to. There will be 4 weeks difference in Dan. This is very hard to deal with.

I have an appt with an Opthamologist tomorrow regarding the cataract on my right eye. Hopefully this will not be to much of an ordeal. I'll let all know asap.

I hope my next post will have better news.

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