Thursday, August 5, 2010

Air Conditioner

It has been over a week that my air conditioner has been on the fritz. Ice was forming on the inside coils. If I turned it off and let the ice melt and turned it back on it would work for a while. The repairman put in a new thermister and that did not help and it was forming ice on both sides of the coils. He came back and tested the box and said I needed a new air conditioner.

He was supposed to call the Warrenty Co Tuesday. I called yesterday and found that he had not called them and he is not returning any of my calls. I went to the office and discovered that he is not answering their calls either. I found another repairman and am waiting for a call for them to come check it out and pehaps finally fix it.

In the meantime I'm at my sisters house with my cat. Needless to say he does not like the dog. She just got a 10 month old german shepard and he is very enthusiastice about the cat. I can't wait to get back home. Neither can Billie.

This week end we are going to visit our brother in Texas. Our other brother from Az is flying in. It will be nice for all of us to be together, I just wish it were under better circumstances.

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