Sunday, December 5, 2010


I drove to California to have Thanksgiving with my children. Mapquest said it would take 14 hours, sooo I thought I can do that. Well, it took me about 17 hours. Needless to say I won't do that again.

It as so good to see my children. Carmel and her boyfriend Robt are renting a house across the street from his son and his family. They were gone for the week and Billie and I settled in over there and Abb arrived on Tuesday.

Michael showed up on TG day and we had a very good dinner. It was really nice to be together again. I missed in last year as I was in Florida.

Friday Carmel and I went yarn shopping and did not find any yarn shops that we liked. But, we did find a consignment store. Wow! It had great stuff! I got a top and a jacket. Carmel shopped for work clothes as she just started a new job.

On Saturday we went to some of their friends home for green chili turkey enchiladas. It had been a long time since I had good enchiladas. After dinner Carmel and one of the other guests sang for us. A good time was had by all.

Sunday I went to visit Michael in San Francisco. Abb was still there so we all went to Golden Gate park and went thru one of the musiums then to Michaels and then to dinner.

Billie and I left on Monday and drove to Apple Valley to visit a good friend that I have not seen in about 6 years. She talked me into staying another day and it was so nice to see her again and catch up. She has 2 of the cutest dogs, Mimsie and Harley. Billie and the dogs finally established boundarys. It was quite comical!

We got home and relaxed and Billie has not left my lap since we got home. He travels pretty good, but is always happy to be home. As, I think we all are.

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