Sunday, September 12, 2010


It is raining right now. I checked the weather on tv this am and they said NO rain for Ok city. Guess they did not look out the window. It is pouring. We are going to visit a friend, Crystal, in Tulsa. I hope we don't get rained on the whole way.

I've just been getting some loose ends taken care of. New glasses, new sewer hoses, truck serviced, etc. I'm planning a trip to southern Texas but I just checked the temp down there for the next month and it is still HOT. Not sure how long I will stay down there.

My niece and family are moving to Tucson soon. I thought I would find a park closer to them, but it looks like I might stay in Tucson longer than a few months. We will see.

My sister-in-law and niece are coming up next week end. That will be nice. We haven't seen them since the funeral. She seems to be getting along ok. She has a strong support group where she lives. She is quite active in her community and there are other widows in the group.

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