Sunday, June 13, 2010

Staying home

Today I'm staying in and keeping cool. Yesterday I met Carolyn and we went into Birmingham to a farmers market. It was very good. Lots of different tomatoes. Most I had never heard of. Then we went to their house and dropped off our purchases and then went to Annitson to a museum and yarn shop. I bought some really knit yarn for a scarf and some ribbon to see what I can knit.

We went to the Natural History Museum and it was very good. We stopped at an antique store, but they did not have any that I could not live without. Carolyn fixed dinner and we had a very nice visit. I'm so glad I caught up with them. They are friends of Dan and Rebecca that I met several years ago.

Tomorrow I plan on getting all ready to leave Tues for Bluff City, Tn. It is in the smokey mountains and I am really looking forward to seeing all that I can while there.

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