Saturday, July 3, 2010

Memphis, Tn

I got an early start for my trip to Memphis. Got here about 1pm. It was a pretty good trip. It did not take long to set up as the spot is pretty level. I'm at the Agriculture Center, suprisingly they have an RV park. Not many amenities but it will do for 3 days. There is a Farmers Market here and I went over there this am. Bought a Christmas present for a friend.

Last night I went to my nephews home and had dinner with him and their 2 boys. His wife had to work so I'm seeing her today. I had not seen her or the boys for 13 years. Way to long. Today we are going into town and do some sight seeing. Should be interesting.

Not sure what is happening for tomorrow, probably just hanging out.

Then on to Oklahoma. My brother-in-law passed away and I'm going to stay with my sister for a few months. Hopefully I will have something good to write about.

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