Friday, June 11, 2010

Tannehill Ironworks State Park

Yesterday I went to see the Tannehill Ironworks State Park. I reccommend it to everyone. It was very interesting. The museum is wonderful. There are a lot of machines, etc from the ironworks that I don't understand how they worked but just the fact that they did is amazing to me. The forge was gigantic. I can't even imagine working it.

I hiked over to the ironworks and that also was very interesting. On the way there they have restored cabins from that era. It is a state park with camping and rv sites so they had a playground tucked up in the trees and there was a creek. All in all a good place to take the family.

I had lunch at the local bbq spot. Good but messy!

On the way back I was not paying attention and passed the I-20 exit. I took the next one thinking I would get off and then backtrack. But no that did not work. The next exit was miles away and took me north and east of where I wanted to be. I did get off and decided to see if I could find my way back to I-20. I did pretty good but panicked and called On Star to find out that I was only about a mile away from it. I think I did pretty good though as I was on country roads that did not look like there was a destination. I love OnStar!!!

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