Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More of the Same

This has been a week of more of the same. I am just doing the normal living things. I have started a new knitting project. A pair of wrist warmers for my sister and I am learning to knit in the round. Not as complicated as it looked when I started. I also finished a scarf for a Christmas present.

We did drive to Anadarko to visit a museum and the bakery that delivered 5 tray of goodies to my sisters home the day of the funeral. It was a long drive for them and we wanted to let them know we appreciated it. Besides the goodies were delicicious.

We are going to go to Branson Monday for a few days. That sounds like fun and we do need some.

Oh! I bought a new system for my sewer. The hose is supposed to be a lot stronger, now to put it on. This should be intersting.

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