Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I had cataract surgery on my right eye several weeks ago and today I went to the Dr and now I have an infection. So, I'm here for at least 1 more week. I am so ready to be on the road again.
This is very dissapointing news.

Tomorrow I'm going to Carnegie to visit one of my ex-sister-in-laws. She is very nice and I enjoy her company. Friday my sister-in-law and niece are coming up from Texas for a visit. We might take them to the fair.

I've been knitting and have a scarf started that incorporates beads in the pattern. It is not one that I can just sit and knit and watch tv or visit. I have to really concentrate on the pattern. This might be the only one I do. I think socks are next. I enjoy knitting them.

My sisters is doing very good with her new dog. He is a pleasure to be around and so funny. Such a clown!

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