Friday, December 17, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas

I've been knitting like crazy to get Christmas presents finished. In the meantime, I had a broken tooth that needed a crown. I found a very good dentist and he did the crown in 1 visit. Preparation and making the crown and putting it on. The advances in dentistry, amazing!

Today I'm mailing the last of the presents. I did not get the one made for my son-in-law that I wanted. I will start it tomorrow. I have to put the knitting away and get out the beads.

For some reason this has been a hard year to get into the spirit of Christmas. It has finally hit and I'm in a much better place than I was last week. Got my cards mailed, etc.

It is finally a little chilly and more like winter. I'm going to my brother's for Christmas breakfast. His daughter and family will be there. It should be fun with little kids there. They are soooo cute.

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