Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well, it is official. I do have a cataract on my right eye. Surgery is scheduled for the 16th of August. According to the video it will not be as traumatic as I thought. But, I still do not like it.

My air conditioner has been on the fritz. It works for a few hours then freezes. The repairman has tried several solutions and he finally put in a new part. It was 89 in here when I left and went back to my sisters house. I came back about 3:30 pm and it is now 84. That is progress!!!! Especially in this heat and humidity. No ice either.

Kizer, the dog has been a problem when we let him out of the crate. This a.m. I went back and let him out after only 1 hour and he went nuts. Nipping at my ankles and jumping up on me. I just put him back in the crate and took my shower, etc. I then went and got my truck washed and came back home to wait for the repairman. I decided that if I was calmer and gave him a treat he might do better. When I went back I made him sit and stay in the crate and then gave him a treat and let him out. I also was sitting in a chair and he was a lot calmer. He just went around and around the chair. I gave him pats and told him what a good dog he is. That worked a lot better. One of my sisters friends told her to just turn around and not talk to him and to keep turning until he quit. That sounds good too. I think whatever we were doing was escalating his behavior.

My poor cat is upset about being locked in the guest room. I let him out when Kizer is in the crate, but he just cries when he hears my voice. We just need to be in our home and back to our routine.

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