Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve morning I drove to Tucson to have breakfast with my sister and brother and their spouses. Lorraine and Larry were on their way to Pacen (?) and Eddie and Teri and I met them for breakfast. They gave Ed an exercise block. It was good to get together with them. A good time. Came home and finished my shopping.

Christmas morning my sister called. We talk every Saturday am. It is always good to talk to her. I caught up on the family in OK. Then my daughter called and they are driving back home from Oregon this am. She liked her presents. I got ahold of Michael later in the am and he liked his also. I'm so glad everyone liked their presents. It is always a worry for me as I try to get something the giftee will like.

Then I drove to Tucson for breakfast with my brother Eddie and Teri. My niece, Tanya, and her family, Devin, Ezra and Rylie came over. It was so nice to have Christmas with little children. They are toooooo cute!! Teri made us all a very good breakfast, then we opened presents. Tanya made us wall hangings. Very nice! Teri and Ed got me the book Valley Forge, which I was going to get for myself. Yeh!!!

Today, back to reality and laundry, etc. Thank goodness the weather is good. It is supposed to be in the high 60's today.

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