Monday, May 10, 2010

Beading, etc

Saturday I went to a bead show with Margaret and was inspired to do more beading. We did find a new method in a bead book we bought. I started a new bead project today using the new method. I hope to use it to make the horse pattern bracelet that I found. First I need to get proficient at it.

I decided that I was going to make all the Christmas gifts this year and I hope to use this new method to make a gift for my daughters boyfriend. We shall see how it goes. Some people will get socks and others scarfs and matching hats. Also some had arm warmers. I think this will be fun, for me, at least.

This new exercise program is good. I started walking a mile a day and today I added a lap. I'm thinking of adding another time of day to walk too. That way I can do 2 miles a day. I am feeling better and sleeping better, which is a big plus. Maybe I'll lose some weight!! :) that would be a bonus.

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