Monday, June 21, 2010


Well Friday was interesting. I was driving down to see Cades Cove which is 2-3 hours away. I was getting low on fuel and decided I best fill up. I saw a sign that said diesel and pulled in. There was a big truck getting fuel and when he pulled out I pulled in. Saw the green handle and started filling my tank. Realized I was not putting in diesel but regular GAS!!! I stopped immediately and went in to the station and told the owner what I had done and one of the customers called a tow truck associated with a garage. They came and got me and took me to their place, just a few blocks away. Thank goodness I did not start the engine and just let my truck sit in the way. No gas got to the engine.

They called a car rental place for me and I finished my sight seeing in a Kia mini van. It was a sweet ride, very impressive handling, etc. got back about 4pm and they had drained and cleaned by tank, filled my tank with diesel for me. It was a very expensive lesson. PAY ATTENTION!!

A green handle does not mean the same in all parts of the country.

I've spent the last few days feeling very embarressed and depressed about it. Still haven't told anyone about it. Just decided to post it on my blog. But today I have to go shopping and fax the tow bill to the insurance company to get reimbursed - probably in about 6 months.

Tomorrow I leave for Va and hopefully a visit with Tenzin, my little sister. She is there for the rest of the summer. I probably won't get to see her again for a while.

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