Friday, May 7, 2010

Columbian Food

Today I had my nails done and went to lunch with Lynn, the lady that does my nails. We went to a Columbian restaurant. The food was very good however I did not like everything on my plate. Their tamales are not like the ones I'm used to. I liked everything else though. For all my friends that know what a fussy eater I am, this is news. I'm a "meat and potatoes" person.

I stopped and stocked up on the make up I wear as once I'm on the road again it might be hard to find. I also had a brain freeze on the pattern of the sock that I'm knitting and had to call the yarn shop. They walked me thru it and when I got home I finished the heel. :):) "I bet they will be glad when I leave the area." I really do like knitting them. The yarn is very colorful and they look good. They also fit very good. I forgot what it was like to wear socks with shaped heels. Tube socks Ugh!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to a bead show. Margaret and I have been trying to learn a new bead weaving method. I think I will like it when I get the hang of it. Slow go for me. More on that later. maybe even a picture.

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