Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Orleans

I went to New Orleans Tuesday. I was scheduled to take a tour at 2pm but I got there early to walk around the French Quarter. I found a parking lot that had room for my truck and decided a little extra walk would not hurt me. I enjoyed a slow walk and took in the atmosphere of the area. It is so different than what I'm used to. I really liked it. The shops are interesting and lots of bars and restaurants.

I took one of many horse drawn tours and the tour guide was very interesting and full of history. I recommend this tour very much, I saw a lot of the Quarter and did not have to walk in this humidity.

Had coffee and a french donut at Cafe Monde. It was ok. The coffee was good but the donut is a smaller version of Indian Fry Bread served with powdered sugar. I walked around for a while and decided I needed a cool spot for lunch. The humidity in this part of the country is getting the better of me. I found an art store that was a cooperative and had some very good artists. One gave me the name of a yarn store. I'm not sure I'm going there, as I have enough yarn for 3 projects already.

The bus tour was ok. Again, not as good as the one I took in St. Louis, Mo. But I did see a lot of the city out side of the French Quarter. Then some red beans and rice for dinner and home. While walking back to my truck I noticed that the city was waking up. Musicians on the street and the lights were coming on. If I were with someone I would have stayed a little longer, but as I was by myself I left.

If the weather was better New Orleans would be a place I could live.

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