Thursday, December 29, 2011

More Dr appts and New Year

Well the kidney infection came back. I went to the Dr and they gave me a rx and sent urine for a culture. They called a few days ago and the culture showed the rx they gave me would not work and they gave me a new one. Maybe now it will be gone. Evidently there is protein in my urine, which I understand is not a good thing.

I do have an appt with a urologist on Wed. It will probably a get to know me and schedule tests appt.

Oh, I did not get the new Christmas lights up. When I paint the body of the shed this spring I will get it set up for the lights for next year.

I was hoping for a better start to the new year. I am hoping to travel some next summer. I miss my children and want to visit them.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Test Results

Well, the Ultra sound showed an enlarged bile duct. The MRI showed an ulcer on my liver, the Dr said it has been there a long time and is nothing to worry about. The Endoscopy showed an enflamed stomach lining. They did a biospsy and there is nothing to worry about.

It is hard for me to believe that a small inflamation could cause those severe stomach aches. Looks like that is the case though. I haven't had any more and I hope that means this is over.

The first Dr did put me on antibiotics for a kidney infection, perhaps that helped with the inflamation in my stomach. who knows??

It has been COLD here but is supposed to be warming up to the mid 50's. I hope so. Perhaps I can put up the lights I bought for my shed.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stomach update

I had an MRI and it showed an ulcer on my liver, but the Dr said not to worry. That it had probably been there for years.

I had and Endoscopy and the only thing it showed was an inflamation of the lining at the bottom of my stomach. They did a biopsy and I shoul hear soon.

I went off the RX the dr gave me and so far no more stomach aches. Who knows why I was getting them. I'm just glad nothing showed up.

It was very cold last week, but now it is warming up and quite pleasent. Yesterday I went to a Christmas brunch that my sister-in-law started last year, and had a good time. We take a white elephant and a legitimate gift. To much fun was had by all. I got the cutest bird that looks great out on my patio. Also a cute canister. Cindy, the woman whose home we were in also gave me a small Christmas tree she had in her yard. She is so kind, funny and generous. Her home is very nice, especially the back yard. Two gazebos, two fire pits, bbq, plants, etc. It was warm, no wind and all in all a very good day.

Today I'm going to a concert at the Arizona Folklore Preserve to see Sweethearts in Carhearts. They are a trio of ladies. One is a cowboy poet and the other 2 are award winning singers. They have great harmony. Should be a good show. Last week the group was a combination of Daughters of the Purple Sage and 2 gentlemen. Great music!!!! I just don't understand why more people do not go the the Preserve.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

More stomach ache

It has been a very painful week. Some days I am ok, but then I will have a bad day. Sunday was a bad day. Spent most of the day in bed. The next day all was good, the next some pain, but now awful. then yesterday, went home from work after 3 hours and had pain all day. I called the Dr and asked for something for pain. the pharmacy just called and my rx is ready.

Lets hope this works and I can actually work. I need the $.

I'm still trying not to build a mountain range, but this is not looking to good. It is difficult staying positive.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stomach ache

this is not necessarily an escapade but I've been having severe stomach aches for about a week now. I went to the Dr and had some blood work and an ultr sound. the ultra sound came back abnormal and now I have to go see a gastroenterolgist. that sounds like more tests. Ugh!!

I'll keep you informed.

I called and I have an appt for the 14th. It seems like an eternity to me.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hummingbirds and patio

This morning I was working on the iron on the patio, getting it ready to paint. I have a hummingbird feeder there and they were so busy trying to get to it with me in the way. I got my camera and tried to get some pics. Here are the best ones. Not that any of them are that good.

I will try again to see if I can get better ones.

Yesterday a storm came thru that was spectacular. Lightning, thunder and pea sized hail. Oh! and wind and rain. There were 2 back to back then just a gentle rain. Billie did not like the hail on the roof and ran to a safe place, inside the closet.

It is supposed to rain again today and tomorrow then the monsoons should be over. I'm looking forward to some dry weather.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Storage Unit

I'm getting ready to go to Santa Fe to empty my storage unit. Getting everything for the hitch so i can use my truck to pull a U-haul trailer, so far $70.00. I still need to find someone to help me load the heavy stuff. I'm not looking forward to this trip. It is Indian Mkt week-end and I will get to see some friends, but it is such a rush. No time to just relax and see folks.

It has been raining a lot and I have stuff growing in my gravel. Next year I will put out some stuff to keep this from happening again! but it is so green now! just beautiful. I love the desert.:)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Apple Annies

Yesterday I went to Apple Annies in Wilcox, Az with my neice and her family. We were not sure the weather would hold out as it is monsoon season and storms were threatening. But it held off and we had a good time. Pickes peaches, ate hamburger and fresh peach pie. The children are toooo cute. Ezra and Rylie. (see pics)

They dropped me off and I took a nap and then the storm hit, big time. There was lightening and thunder and lots of rain. I went to bed early and read for a while and listened to the rain. Woke up this am to the rain. It is so nice to be safe and warm when there is a storm outside.

I was going to paint some of the trim on the shed, but it is to wet. So, I'm defrosting the fridge and doing laundry. Yeh? :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ocular Migraine

Last week I was seeing a jagged, colored semi-circular light show. It lasted about 40 minutes, no pain. I didn't think anymore about it until yesterday. I happened again at work and I was very scared. I left work and went to the ER and they said I had an ocular migraine. I have an appt with an opthamologist Monday to get the diagnosis confirmed. Evidently it is a change in the blood flow to the area of the brain that is responsible for vision. Yahoo!!! just what I need.

Today I'm going to Apple Annie's in Wilcox with my niece and her family. I'm looking forward to spending time with them. More later on that. I am taking my camera for photos.

Monday I saw an opthamologist and he said I was "to old" to have had an olcular migraine. To Old!!! He thinks I had a small piece of plac from an artery going thru a very small vein in my brain. I like the diagnosis of ocular migraine better. So now on to a new Dr here in Benson. My current Dr is in Santa Fe and that is just to far away. more later.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Paint Trim for Shed

I tested a new color for the trim for the shed. I really like it and don't think I will have to re-do the body of the shed. Just clean it up. Yeh!!!

I also bought the paint for the white iron on the little patio on the back. I just need to clean with the wire brushes and then paint. The plan is to do it in sections. That way it is not such a big job.

It has been very hot and humid lately. It was nice for a few days after the dryness and the fires, but now, enough is enough. I painted for about an hour and was dripping wet. Ugh!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The Monument Fire is now 81% contained. It took about 50 homes and several businesses. The local communities have been wonderful and have pulled together to help their neighbors that have been evacuated and those that lost their homes. The weather was not a help. Winds up to 75 mph. It looks like the fire in NM has the same problem, wind and terrain.

This has been a year of bad weather, snowstormes, floods, tornadoes, fires. this has probably happened in the past but this is now and it is overwhelming.

It is sooo hot this past week. Over 100 but there is an end in site. Rain over the 4th!! We can only hope. It would be nice to have a comfortable day to do yard work. I have several projects outside, but it is just to hot or to windy. Everyone here says this is very unusual weather.

I went on a job interview Friday at an insurance agency. It is part time but I think I would like it. He is interviewing for the next few weeks so it will be a while before I find out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I got up this morning full of energy and decided to adjust my walkway. After I moved my unit over "just a smidge" my slideout covered the walkway. I only had to move the pavers about 8 inches. It was much more work than I thought it would be. But I got it done and am very happy with the results. I had to put some brick seperators in also as there is a small patch of green rocks and I needed to keep them where they are. It looks very good.

Now for the picnik table! I have the oil cloth and just need to sand and paint the legs and seats. Then I can cover the top with the oil cloth. Next month I am going to start painting the shed its new colors. Hopefully I will like them.

There is a small covered patio on the back of the shed and it has white wraught iron that needs cleaning and painting. It should not be a very tough project, just involved with all the curly ques. (sp)?

It would be nice to have it all done before folks start moving back.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Test Results

Yesterday was a looong day. I had to take a laxative in the am then at 12pm the drinking started. There is a gallon of mixture I had to drink. Ugh! I tried one of the flavor packets and it was terrible. So, the next glass I just drank it plain. Not to bad, so that was the way I drank the rest of it. After I as 1/2 the way thru I drove to Tucson. Pat and Pattie said they would take me to the Dr. office for the test. So I spent the night with them. Pattie has a class c motorhome and she brought it up and parked it next door to them. It was very nice and the bed was great.

We got up early and they dropped me off and went to have breakfast then come back. All in all it was a good experience. Evidently God blessed me with a long colon and I did a great job with the laxatives. Anyway I have diverticuloses. Just 1, but that is more than enough! A high fiber diet is called for.

We then went to breakfast, again. It was good to eat again. They are planning on buying a mobile home and we drove by to see it. I really like the area and it looks like a good one for them. I hope they get one they like/want.

Diesel in Tucson is cheaper, so I filled up at $3.99 per gal. Wonder how long this will last?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Medical Test

I'm in the process of getting ready for a colonoscopy tuesday. Ugh!!! Today I had my last meal and now I start a clear liquid diet for the next 2 days. Not really looking forward to this one.

It is hot and still windy. I bought some Marigolds. I was told that the rabbits do not like them. The Javalinas might. But it is worth a try to get some color around here. My petunias are doing great. I have them on a table - out of reach from rabbits and javalina. The oil cloth I ordered for my pic nik table came in and I really like it. Now I need to get the table ready and buy some outdoor cloth for the seats. I think I will use more once I get it done. Next is repainting the storage shed. I finally picked some colors that will be better than what I did first.

I had a good birthday. So many wishes from friends on Facebook. I was pleasantly suprised.

Not much else going on. More later.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Storage in Santa Fe

I left Benson yesterday after work and drove to Truth or Consequences. I got there about 9:30pm and was very tired. I had booked a room at a small motel and was very pleased when I got there. It was an older one but has been updated and is very clean.

I got up and drove to Santa Fe. I got here about 10 am and visited with Joni before she had to go to work. I called Tenzin and Nwang and picked them up and we went to Canyon Road and went Project Tibet. Very good stuff! Then we went to the Plaza to see Terri Greaves show at Shiprock Gallery. WHAT A SHOW! SHE IS SO TALENTED. 6 FT BEADED PIECES. WOW!!!

Then we went to my storage and loaded my truck down with stuff. I think I will need a trailer to get the rest of it to Az. I have until the 31st of August. Some day I will get the $75. check for the rental of my desk. We shall see. I was told I would have it by the end of the week. I'm giving them until next Wed. then call and call.

Tomorrow I'm having breakfast with Jeri and then home. It will be another long day.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


After the move I kept feeling that I had moved to far back. So, I hooked up again and moved forward about 12 inches. I know - it doesn't sound like much but I like it. Also, there is more room for Billies condo. (when ever I get it done)

I thought I had my finances in line but discovered that I had forgotten my auto/trailer insurance. What a suprise! Thankfully the company is letting me pay it in 2 payments. I can do that. Still have to watch pennys though. Oh well it is for just a while longer.

Wal-Mart has cut everyones hours by about 4 a week. I am looking for another job as this one is to hard on my back and legs. I prefer office work anyway.

Tomorrow I work until 5pm then I'm off to New Mexico. Spending the night in T or C and then on to Santa Fe. Tenzin will be there with Nwang. I am hoping to see as many friends as possible. Also going to storage to bring back as much as I can get in my truck. I took out the hitch, so there is much more room. The tool box is empty also.

I'm hoping I won't have to rent a very large trailer to bring back the rest.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Yesterday Dutch, a new friend from the park, came over and helped me move my trailer. I moved it over and back. The electric post is to tall to go under my slide out and I needed to back up a little, so we had to move over about a foot. I want to construct a "cat condo" for Billie. He likes to go outside and this way he can use the back window but still be safe and can't wander off.

I also have more room on the "business" side of the trailer and it will be much easier to take care of things. Now on to the pic nic table. I need to make a decision about the oil cloth for the top. so far I can't find what I wanted and now must go on to plan B. Whatever that is.

I think the Javalena got my flowers and not the bunnies. So, it is silk flowers for them!

Still working and still looking for a better job. It would be nice to work in an office and not on my feet. I don't really mind the work, but I do prefer office work. The other employees are nice and have been friendly. Speaking of work, I need to get ready for the day.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Updates in general

Flowers: Well the bunnies ate almost all of them. I did rescue them and put them on my pic-nick table. Not what I wanted to do. Yesterday I bought some yellow flowers that supposedly the bunnies do not like. We shall see.

Shed: It looks like the old color is bleeding thru and I need to repaint. Oh Well! I'm changing the color of the trim anyway, might as well re-do it all. That will be sometime this fall as it is already to hot to paint.

Nails: I have had fake nails for about 20 years now and am in the process of changing techniques. There is a new one called shellac polish. With this one they do not damage your nails like they do with the other one. So far I like it, but we shall see. My own nails are like parchment paper and very weak.

Hair: After the awful haircut I got in Ok it is finally getting where I want it. I'm not very good with my hair and need a very simple "do". I like this last haircut and we are getting it to where I wanted it in the first place.

I know these are not related to traveling, but I'm not traveling this year. Just catching my breath and setting up a "home base". Next month I'm getting my stuff from storage. Tenzin will be in Santa Fe in June and I want to go over to see her before she heads to South Africa for a semester.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today I planted a succulent garden in a medium sized round pot, and petunias in another one. The wind is blowing very hard today. Between that and the "sweet little bunnies" I hope to have petunias tomorrow morning.

I also bought rope lights and a timer to put under my trailer. Evidently there are pack rats here and they do not like the lights and will stay away from my trailer. Hopefully I can get it installed tomorrow. It will be so nice when this wind slows/stops.

Yesterday I met a very nice man, Bill. He lives in Mexico but comes to the states in the summer to travel and take wild life photos. He is very good at it too. We shall see how that goes.

Sunday some friends in Tucson are leaving this month and we are having a BBQ for everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing them all again. Sam and Mac are heading to Oregon and Washington to look for property. I think they are ready to settle down after many, many years of glob trotting.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today was my first day at work. I got a job at Walmart as a cashier. There is a lot to learn! Hope I can keep up. I've always been quick, but now I'm older. (uncharted area)

There is a cold front moving in. Supposed to be in the 50's Saturday. What happened to spring? Will we ever have warm days? I bought 4 succulents today to plant in my cactus garden. I think 2 of the barrel cactus did not make it. I'm going to give them a chance to come back before I write them off and replace them. I'm also thinking of a rose bush, just not sure where to plant it as it is so windy here.
I have time to decide, I don't have to make all decisions this spring/summer. Just like the shed, I'm not going to repaint it until fall. I should have made a decision by then. right?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rose Parade Tombstone, Az

Yesterday I went to Tombstone to see the Rose Parade. Tombstone is home to the largest rose tree in the world. For some reason I did not get a picture of it this time but have seen it before.

The parade was very good. Longer and better than I thought it would be. There was an elementary school band that was better than some high school bands I've heard. I ran into friends from the RV park and watched the parade with them.

Before going to Tombstone I went to a craft faire in Benson. There were some unique items, but not anything I needed.

Today is pretty low key. Just doing laundry, cleaning, etc. The wind is blowing, again! I think it is nap time.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


It is finally getting warmer and I can open windows and the door to let in fresh air. However, with the warmer weather comes the wind. It hasn't been to bad but did rock the trailer one day.

I'm in the process of putting away winter clothes and getting my summer stuff out and ready to wear. Today is window washing day too. With the curtains up the windows really do show the dirt.

Billie likes to be out more. I think it is the sound of all the birds singing. He is not much of a hunter, just likes to watch them and dream of the hunt.

The trees behind me do not even have buds on them yet. Maybe I am in to much of a hurry for spring/summer. Mother Nature doesn't consult me on timing. Darn!

Most of the people here are getting ready to go back home. Out visiting and packing. So far everyone I've met is very nice and helpful.

I've put of the windows long enough - time to get busy.


Wednesday I went into Tucson for an interview with Big Brother, Big Sister. Their office is in downtown Tucson and I had to pay $10. to park! The interview went well and now I have to get my driving record from SD. They have a form I need to sign and send.

Then I went to see Sam and work on gourds. This is a first for me and I really enjoyed it. We cleaned 2 of them and then I cut the top off one and cleaned the inside, drew and burned in a dragonfly on the side of the round one. Then put holes around the neck for the leather. I have both ready to put the finish on. Pics to follow.

I need to go to hardware store and get the supplies to finish them. I am amazed at what people do to them! Check it out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Paint the shed

Monday I picked up my friends Bob and Ellen and we went to Home Depot to get paint, etc to paint the shed. It was about 11am before we got started and it was HOT. We, and I mean Bob and Ellen, got most of the painting done. I was soooo tired I barely had energy to take a shower.

They came over Tuesday 7:30 am and again we got started and finished about 11:30. They took off to have lunch with friends and I finished up. Finally done! I would still be painting if they had not come over and painted. They are "friends extradinaire". I just met them a few months ago at the last RV park I was in.

I have met such nice folks on this journey and I value every one of them.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Visit with friends

Yesterday 3 friends from my Tucson winter came over for a visit. It was good to see them. They liked my new spot. Two of them do gourds and showed me some of their new ones. Sam loaned me some tools and gave me a gourd. I have one from my stay in Tucson and have wanted to do something with it. I think I will make it a bird house. First I have to clean it then cut the hole, and drill the holes for the strap. I really like the coloring on it and think I will keep it.

Sam gave me a small gourd and I have an idea for it, but that might just change. I wish they were closer. I figured out that a round trip to Tucson costs me about $23.00! Wow!

Oh! I turned in an application for work at ACE Hardware and the position has already been filled. I think I would like to work there. The employee that took my app said to keep checking in. The search continues.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Slight Adjustment

When I got here I backed in and parked a little to far to the front of my lot. Yesterday I pulled in the slide outs and hooked up and adjusted my parking. Well it turned out to be a bigger job than I thought it would be. I'm still not where I think I should be. After I put the slideouts back out I see that I could move about 6" more to the right. The electrical post and fawcets are not designed for my slideouts. Oh well! another day.

It was hot and I got overheated and flushed. When I get flushed I have to take a long break to cool down.

The seller is supposed to be here this week to get their stuff out of the shed. I am eager to get started painting and see how much room I have for my stuff in storage.

The weather is beautiful! and the sunrises are as expected, spectacular! I am a lot happier here than in the other RV park. I think I made a good decision to move here.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Watching TV news and drinking coffee. Looked out a window at my neighbors and saw snow. Jumped up and opened a window and it is snowing! Grabbed my camera and took some pictures and then came back in and took some more from the warmth inside.

So much for sunny Arizona. Bet the snowbirds are upset. At least it isn't 4-5 feet, just inches.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Water Damage

Yeh! just minimul damage. The frame on one of my favorites, but I can fix it. I lost a poster, but again not much as I only paid $5. for it. Most everything is in plastic tubs and that helped. There were a few cardboard boxes and some things had to be repacked. The men that helped me were great and so polite. They put risers under everything and organized my tubs. The office manager wanted to rent my desk so I rented it to her for $75. a month. cool!

I brought some things back with me for my new place. Lizards and garden stuff. Also my painting supplies as the storage shed and pic nik table need painting. I'm thinking of tan with a deep burgandy trim to match my 5th wheel.

Today I'm moving to my new RV lot and am excited to get there and get settled. Not looking forward to backing in to the spot but I've done it before, so here goes! Wish me luck:)

more later.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Storage - water damage

Tomorrow I'm on my way to Santa Fe to check out the water damage. Apparently I have damp suitcases and frames on some of my art. I'm worried about the art and some of my wood furniture. My appointment is for 9am Monday. Should take the whole day. They have some one to help me, so I don't have to do it alone. I think I have the option of moving to a dry unit. I think I will take it. I need to see what all I have so I know if I can get it all in my new storage shed on my new RV lot.

I took my sisters and brother to see it and they all thought it would be good for me. I really like the area and I will have some room. I'm to close to my neighbors here and there are not any planned activities. At my new place I can be as busy as I want or not. I'm moving there when I get back from Santa Fe. My neighbors will watch Billie for me and I was just to tired to move.

I'll let you know how much damage when I get back.

Sisters Visit

My sister, Sheryl and sister in law, Jo were here for a week. We had a great time and I enjoyed their visit. Jo missed her flight here and came in late that afternoon. As I had tickets for us to go to a Cowboy Poetry concert I asked my brother, Eddie, to pick her up. Sheryl and I went to the concert and picked her up the next day at our brothers. Since we were in Tucson we decided to go to the Tucson Desert Museum. The day was beautiful and naturally the museum was great. We stopped for lunch and some shopping. Then came home and got ready to go to another poetry concert.

Sunday we got up early and picked up Terri, our other sister in law, and went to the Gem Show. The girls shopped and shopped. Lots of good bargains. Then to Terri and Ed's for spegetti dinner. As usual Terri did an outstanding job.

Monday was a "down day", we did laundry, hair etc. Also went to the clubhouse and played bingo. Tuesday we met Ed at Kartchner Caverns. The state does an excellent job with the caverns. It is a "living" cavern and the tour is very good. The weather did not disappoint.
That night we invited Ellen and Joan over to play Mexican Train. Lots of laughs.

Wednesday we drove to Maricopa to visit our niece, Tanya and her family. Sheryl and Jo had not seen the children and Ezra is 3! They are the cutest. Lorraine and Larry drove over to see everyone. It is a 4 1/2 hour trip for them. They stayed for a while and then had to leave to get home at a decent time. We had a good time with everyone and it was so good to see everyone together.

Thursday I had to have Sheryl at the airport by 5am and Jo there by 4:30pm. It was a long day with 2 trips to Tucson in one day.

All in all it was a good time. I don't have a lot of company and we did pretty good concidering the lack of space. Looking forward to their next visit.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


It is COLD! Last night and tonight it is to be in the single digits. Yesterday I did not have any water. I had disconnected the hose but did not drain it and it froze. Naturally it did not warm up enough yesterday to drain it until late in the afternoon. Never did get it cleared enough to have water. I've been filling a pitcher from the outside fawcett and just using that. Looks like the same thing again today. It is supposed to get up to 33 degrees.

I'm going to take a shower at the park shower. Even though I have not been to active (it is to cold to go outside) I do need one.

I was going to take my neighbors, Bob & Ellen, to the gem show in Tucson but it was to cold. I called my friends that have a booth there and they did not even set up yesterday. We are going tomorrow. The cold air should be gone by noon and apparently it is to be in the 50's in Tucson Friday.

Even though it is so cold at least I'm not in the northeast. I love the southwest and the desert.

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Home

Last week I was driving back from Tucson and stopped to check out a RV park in Benson. It is one of those that you can purchase your lot. The lots are large enough for a park model of 800 sq ft and a storage shed. The park is devided into 3 parts, the RV part, the park model part and permanent home part.

I left thinking about buying a lot. The advantages are: instead of paying space rent I would be investing that money. (I have decided to stay put for 1-2 years) there is a large storage shed, so I can move my stuff from my storage unit. There is a yard area that I can play around with. When I decide to travel the park will help me rent out my lot, if I want.

Monday I went back to the park to look again. One of the lots I was interested in had sold. However, there was another one that came up on the market. I loved it!! It is fully landscaped and backs up to an open ravine. The storage shed has to be painted. I'm thinking tan with darker brown trim. I made an offer and then the hunt for financing. Well!!! I could not find any at all. Money is so tight right now I don't know who can get a loan. The seller decided to carry the paper and gave me a doable offer. I hope all gets done so I can move onto the lot before my sister and sister-in-law come next month.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tenzin/Santa Fe

Last week I went to Santa Fe to see my little sister, Tenzin. She was home for winter break from college. It was so good to see her again. Her boyfriend Ngwang came with her to meet her family. I had met him last summer and he is very nice.

It was COLD there, 5 at night and in the low 30's during the day. There was snow still on the ground. It was nice to see friends again. I stayed with Victoria and Glen. They are always so generous to let me stay with them.

I also had lab work done and saw the Dr. All was good. I'm even trying deleting one of my diabetes pills. I hope it will be ok, that will be a big step forward.

I'm back home now and Billie was sooooo glad to see me. He just stayed in my lap for 2 days. I guess all is back to normal as he is still in bed this am. :)

It is warm here, high 60's, yeh!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


There has been a cold front moving thru and it is COLD. I had to unhook my water hose for 3 nights. I've discovered that there is a heated tape you can buy and then put foam around your hose. I think I will look into it. This is to inconvenient.

There was snow on the mountains yesterday morning, but it was gone by about 11am. It was to cold to even go out to take pictures. I know, I'm a wuss.

To keep busy I cleaned out my closet and cupboards in my bedroom. It is now a lot more convenient. This week I plan on doing the rest of the cupboards. I'm going to Santa Fe next week and am taking some things to storage. Next to clean out is my basement and hobby stuff. That goes to storage my next trip to SF.

My "little sister" Tenzin will be there for winter break. I haven't seen her since last spring. I'm also going to the Dr. getting lab work, etc done. Ugh!

But, I am excited to see old friends. I'm staying with friends Victoria and Glen. They are always so kind to me. I stayed with them when I got my rig. Glen was so informative and helpful.

I'm going to the movies today to see True Grit. I haven't been to a movie in a long time and it is a much needed day out.