Sunday, June 5, 2011

Medical Test

I'm in the process of getting ready for a colonoscopy tuesday. Ugh!!! Today I had my last meal and now I start a clear liquid diet for the next 2 days. Not really looking forward to this one.

It is hot and still windy. I bought some Marigolds. I was told that the rabbits do not like them. The Javalinas might. But it is worth a try to get some color around here. My petunias are doing great. I have them on a table - out of reach from rabbits and javalina. The oil cloth I ordered for my pic nik table came in and I really like it. Now I need to get the table ready and buy some outdoor cloth for the seats. I think I will use more once I get it done. Next is repainting the storage shed. I finally picked some colors that will be better than what I did first.

I had a good birthday. So many wishes from friends on Facebook. I was pleasantly suprised.

Not much else going on. More later.

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