Saturday, March 26, 2011


It is finally getting warmer and I can open windows and the door to let in fresh air. However, with the warmer weather comes the wind. It hasn't been to bad but did rock the trailer one day.

I'm in the process of putting away winter clothes and getting my summer stuff out and ready to wear. Today is window washing day too. With the curtains up the windows really do show the dirt.

Billie likes to be out more. I think it is the sound of all the birds singing. He is not much of a hunter, just likes to watch them and dream of the hunt.

The trees behind me do not even have buds on them yet. Maybe I am in to much of a hurry for spring/summer. Mother Nature doesn't consult me on timing. Darn!

Most of the people here are getting ready to go back home. Out visiting and packing. So far everyone I've met is very nice and helpful.

I've put of the windows long enough - time to get busy.

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