Sunday, January 2, 2011


There has been a cold front moving thru and it is COLD. I had to unhook my water hose for 3 nights. I've discovered that there is a heated tape you can buy and then put foam around your hose. I think I will look into it. This is to inconvenient.

There was snow on the mountains yesterday morning, but it was gone by about 11am. It was to cold to even go out to take pictures. I know, I'm a wuss.

To keep busy I cleaned out my closet and cupboards in my bedroom. It is now a lot more convenient. This week I plan on doing the rest of the cupboards. I'm going to Santa Fe next week and am taking some things to storage. Next to clean out is my basement and hobby stuff. That goes to storage my next trip to SF.

My "little sister" Tenzin will be there for winter break. I haven't seen her since last spring. I'm also going to the Dr. getting lab work, etc done. Ugh!

But, I am excited to see old friends. I'm staying with friends Victoria and Glen. They are always so kind to me. I stayed with them when I got my rig. Glen was so informative and helpful.

I'm going to the movies today to see True Grit. I haven't been to a movie in a long time and it is a much needed day out.

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