Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Slight Adjustment

When I got here I backed in and parked a little to far to the front of my lot. Yesterday I pulled in the slide outs and hooked up and adjusted my parking. Well it turned out to be a bigger job than I thought it would be. I'm still not where I think I should be. After I put the slideouts back out I see that I could move about 6" more to the right. The electrical post and fawcets are not designed for my slideouts. Oh well! another day.

It was hot and I got overheated and flushed. When I get flushed I have to take a long break to cool down.

The seller is supposed to be here this week to get their stuff out of the shed. I am eager to get started painting and see how much room I have for my stuff in storage.

The weather is beautiful! and the sunrises are as expected, spectacular! I am a lot happier here than in the other RV park. I think I made a good decision to move here.

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