Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sisters Visit

My sister, Sheryl and sister in law, Jo were here for a week. We had a great time and I enjoyed their visit. Jo missed her flight here and came in late that afternoon. As I had tickets for us to go to a Cowboy Poetry concert I asked my brother, Eddie, to pick her up. Sheryl and I went to the concert and picked her up the next day at our brothers. Since we were in Tucson we decided to go to the Tucson Desert Museum. The day was beautiful and naturally the museum was great. We stopped for lunch and some shopping. Then came home and got ready to go to another poetry concert.

Sunday we got up early and picked up Terri, our other sister in law, and went to the Gem Show. The girls shopped and shopped. Lots of good bargains. Then to Terri and Ed's for spegetti dinner. As usual Terri did an outstanding job.

Monday was a "down day", we did laundry, hair etc. Also went to the clubhouse and played bingo. Tuesday we met Ed at Kartchner Caverns. The state does an excellent job with the caverns. It is a "living" cavern and the tour is very good. The weather did not disappoint.
That night we invited Ellen and Joan over to play Mexican Train. Lots of laughs.

Wednesday we drove to Maricopa to visit our niece, Tanya and her family. Sheryl and Jo had not seen the children and Ezra is 3! They are the cutest. Lorraine and Larry drove over to see everyone. It is a 4 1/2 hour trip for them. They stayed for a while and then had to leave to get home at a decent time. We had a good time with everyone and it was so good to see everyone together.

Thursday I had to have Sheryl at the airport by 5am and Jo there by 4:30pm. It was a long day with 2 trips to Tucson in one day.

All in all it was a good time. I don't have a lot of company and we did pretty good concidering the lack of space. Looking forward to their next visit.

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