Friday, March 11, 2011

Visit with friends

Yesterday 3 friends from my Tucson winter came over for a visit. It was good to see them. They liked my new spot. Two of them do gourds and showed me some of their new ones. Sam loaned me some tools and gave me a gourd. I have one from my stay in Tucson and have wanted to do something with it. I think I will make it a bird house. First I have to clean it then cut the hole, and drill the holes for the strap. I really like the coloring on it and think I will keep it.

Sam gave me a small gourd and I have an idea for it, but that might just change. I wish they were closer. I figured out that a round trip to Tucson costs me about $23.00! Wow!

Oh! I turned in an application for work at ACE Hardware and the position has already been filled. I think I would like to work there. The employee that took my app said to keep checking in. The search continues.

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