Thursday, February 3, 2011


It is COLD! Last night and tonight it is to be in the single digits. Yesterday I did not have any water. I had disconnected the hose but did not drain it and it froze. Naturally it did not warm up enough yesterday to drain it until late in the afternoon. Never did get it cleared enough to have water. I've been filling a pitcher from the outside fawcett and just using that. Looks like the same thing again today. It is supposed to get up to 33 degrees.

I'm going to take a shower at the park shower. Even though I have not been to active (it is to cold to go outside) I do need one.

I was going to take my neighbors, Bob & Ellen, to the gem show in Tucson but it was to cold. I called my friends that have a booth there and they did not even set up yesterday. We are going tomorrow. The cold air should be gone by noon and apparently it is to be in the 50's in Tucson Friday.

Even though it is so cold at least I'm not in the northeast. I love the southwest and the desert.

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