Thursday, June 9, 2011


I got up this morning full of energy and decided to adjust my walkway. After I moved my unit over "just a smidge" my slideout covered the walkway. I only had to move the pavers about 8 inches. It was much more work than I thought it would be. But I got it done and am very happy with the results. I had to put some brick seperators in also as there is a small patch of green rocks and I needed to keep them where they are. It looks very good.

Now for the picnik table! I have the oil cloth and just need to sand and paint the legs and seats. Then I can cover the top with the oil cloth. Next month I am going to start painting the shed its new colors. Hopefully I will like them.

There is a small covered patio on the back of the shed and it has white wraught iron that needs cleaning and painting. It should not be a very tough project, just involved with all the curly ques. (sp)?

It would be nice to have it all done before folks start moving back.

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