Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Storage in Santa Fe

I left Benson yesterday after work and drove to Truth or Consequences. I got there about 9:30pm and was very tired. I had booked a room at a small motel and was very pleased when I got there. It was an older one but has been updated and is very clean.

I got up and drove to Santa Fe. I got here about 10 am and visited with Joni before she had to go to work. I called Tenzin and Nwang and picked them up and we went to Canyon Road and went Project Tibet. Very good stuff! Then we went to the Plaza to see Terri Greaves show at Shiprock Gallery. WHAT A SHOW! SHE IS SO TALENTED. 6 FT BEADED PIECES. WOW!!!

Then we went to my storage and loaded my truck down with stuff. I think I will need a trailer to get the rest of it to Az. I have until the 31st of August. Some day I will get the $75. check for the rental of my desk. We shall see. I was told I would have it by the end of the week. I'm giving them until next Wed. then call and call.

Tomorrow I'm having breakfast with Jeri and then home. It will be another long day.

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