Friday, May 20, 2011


Yesterday Dutch, a new friend from the park, came over and helped me move my trailer. I moved it over and back. The electric post is to tall to go under my slide out and I needed to back up a little, so we had to move over about a foot. I want to construct a "cat condo" for Billie. He likes to go outside and this way he can use the back window but still be safe and can't wander off.

I also have more room on the "business" side of the trailer and it will be much easier to take care of things. Now on to the pic nic table. I need to make a decision about the oil cloth for the top. so far I can't find what I wanted and now must go on to plan B. Whatever that is.

I think the Javalena got my flowers and not the bunnies. So, it is silk flowers for them!

Still working and still looking for a better job. It would be nice to work in an office and not on my feet. I don't really mind the work, but I do prefer office work. The other employees are nice and have been friendly. Speaking of work, I need to get ready for the day.

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