Friday, May 6, 2011

Updates in general

Flowers: Well the bunnies ate almost all of them. I did rescue them and put them on my pic-nick table. Not what I wanted to do. Yesterday I bought some yellow flowers that supposedly the bunnies do not like. We shall see.

Shed: It looks like the old color is bleeding thru and I need to repaint. Oh Well! I'm changing the color of the trim anyway, might as well re-do it all. That will be sometime this fall as it is already to hot to paint.

Nails: I have had fake nails for about 20 years now and am in the process of changing techniques. There is a new one called shellac polish. With this one they do not damage your nails like they do with the other one. So far I like it, but we shall see. My own nails are like parchment paper and very weak.

Hair: After the awful haircut I got in Ok it is finally getting where I want it. I'm not very good with my hair and need a very simple "do". I like this last haircut and we are getting it to where I wanted it in the first place.

I know these are not related to traveling, but I'm not traveling this year. Just catching my breath and setting up a "home base". Next month I'm getting my stuff from storage. Tenzin will be in Santa Fe in June and I want to go over to see her before she heads to South Africa for a semester.

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