Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fort Pickens Fl

Monday I went to Fort Pickens, Fl with a new friend, Bill. He is a recent widower and at loose ends for the holidays.

It was established before the Civil War and played a large part in keeping the harbor safe from the confederates. The soldiers were surrounded by confederates but managed to keep the fort for the union. The guns were updated for each war after and now it is a reminder of those times. It is also the fort were Geronimo was kept. A sad statement of our treatment of the native peoples.

It was a beautiful sunny day. Not to last to long as it is raining today. But there is a promise of a sunny day tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Aunt Judy

My Aunt Judy passed away last Sunday. She was back in the hospita with an infection that they thought would be ok. She took a turn for the worst Sunday am. The funera was set for yesterday and I looked for reasonable airline tickets. Reasonable being the operative word. From Pensacola airport it would have been $3000. one way to Oklahoma City. Whoever sets those fares should be in jail. That is just highway robbery. I feel very sad that I could not be at her funeral. She was a very important person in my life. I just checked the weather and a blizzard is on its way to OK. Might be a good thing that I could not be there.

I spent a summer with her and Uncle Everett when I was a teen ager. That is a summer that I will never forget. They wanted me to come live with them, but I missed my family to much.

Maybe it is the rain, but I feel melencholy today.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rain Rain

It has been rainy and cold the last few weeks. Nothing much going on. I went to the Dr and had some blood work done. No results yet. I'm scheduled Monday for a colonoscopy. Ugh!! Getting old is certainly no fun.

I do have most of my Christmas shopping done and presents and cards are sent. Trailer decorated. The owners of the park are very nice and have decorated for Christmas. It is very nice to have owners that take an interest in the park. They are so nice.

My Aunt Judy had a heart attack and had to have a stint put in. She sounds so weak, I am worried about her. I don't think we will have her with us much longer.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It has rained since yesterday morning. Right now it is pouring and there is a TORNADO WATCH. I really don't like this weather. My roof is not leaking, yet. There was a very big leak during tropical storm ida. Nothing since, so I think we fixed it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yesterday I went to the lab to have my 6 month blood work done. After I found the lab there was a 1 hour wait. I should know the results this week. I hope all is good. My testing monitor shows my blood sugar higher than it was last year. I'm going to call the company and see if I need a new monitor.

It rained hard yesterday, some of the county was under flood watch. I think it is supposed to rain again today. I went shopping in Gulf Breeze. Found a very nice gift shop. Think I will go back if I need some gifts.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am staying here in Florida and having dinner at the park. I just finished making 2 salads. There are supposed to be about 75 people. Some will me young military that can't get home. Should be a good event.

I did look up air fare and it would be just to expensive to get to Calif. I will go in Feb. Carmel should be back in Pt Richmond and I can visit with Michael too.

I was feeling depressed yesterday, but have resolved not being with family on TG. Not sure about Xmas yet.

The sun is shining, finally. it has been cold and cloudy for a week. I was doubting my choice for my winter stay.

Thanksgiving was very nice. the park owners fixed turkey, duck, quail and ham. The park visitors brought the best of the best for the pot luck. There were 16 marines from the base and they were all VERY young and VERY polite. They are all a good representation of our young people that never get the credit they deserve.

Needless to say, we all ate to much but there is still lots of food left for today. Lunch should be good.

I talked to all my family and I do miss them all. Especially Michael and Carmel. But I do not miss flying to Calif. I hope to be closer next year. I find that I like the west better than the east.

Friday, November 20, 2009

More good weather

It has been very nice here the last few days. I wish it were a little warmer.

Took my truck to the repair shop Monday and got a Chevy Malibu as a a rental. I like it. It is peppy and very easy to handle. Of course I like my truck better. but not a bad rental.

I took a drive yesterday and tried to get to Destin. It is supposed to be a cute town. I found the one next to it, but since I did not have a map with me (it was a spur of the moment trip) I missed it. I think I will go after I get my nails done Tuesday. I'm still having trouble getting the lay of the land. I need a local map of the gulf.

Monday I have a Dr appt to have my 6 month blood work done. I don't like going to a new Dr. You don't know what you will get. This one was recommended by my neighbor.

It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I think I will go see the Michael Jackson movie. I hope i enjoy it. I wanted to see him in concert, but never did so this is second best. I'll let you know what I think.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hurricane Ida

I thought I got to Florida after hurricane season, guess not. Ida has been downgraded to a tropical storm and I am sitting here watching it rain. It looks like the "eye" will hit us sometime this evening and early morning. Everyone that is staying says to put my sliders in and hunker down.

This is one experience that I am more than willing to pass. I don't like wind, never have. It used to blow so hard in Blythe that we would be sent home from school. could not see past our nose, to much sand. Ugh!!

I will let you know if I make it thru ok.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pride in a job well done???

Last month I sent in forms to have money from my IRA sent to my checking account. Well, that did not go as planned.

First they only do direct deposits on the 1st and 15th. Not that anyone told me, which would have been nice since I asked for it to be on the 20th. I thought OK I can work with the 1st, so naturally I'm checking my account to make sure it goes thru. Guess what!!! NOTHING

I called and was told that it was processed on the 2nd because the 1st was a Sunday. Waited and whalla, again NOTHING. I called each day and was told that it had been processed and to keep looking for it. Finally, yesterday I find that it was NOT processed. They were missing some information so, they sent it to me by mail. What happened to using a telephone? Wouldn't that have made more sense?

11-9-09 checked and guess what, the money is there. yeh!!!

Naturally I had to call them and they said oh! I was just about to call you. Right! She said on the scanned paperwork the account # did not show up. She got out the paper copy and could read the number and did a direct deposit and put a stop payment on the check. Perhaps this should have been done first? So much for being efficient.

I asked that someone call me and let me know what happened and what we need to do now to fix this problem. As of this moment, no call. They have until 1pm my time to call me then I will call them again. This time I want to speak to a manager!!!

This is the worst customer service I have been subjected to. Probably, not the worst someone else has been subjected to. My question is WHAT HAPPENED TO PRIDE IN ONES WORK??

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I went to the body shop and have an appointment for Monday to have it repaired. After the body shop I called to get a nail appointment and they could see me that morning. I went and also had a pedicure. On the way back I stopped at an antique shop, it was so nice to just shop and goof around. I stopped at a market on the way home and got a few things to fix a taco salad. I've given up on getting good tortillas on this side of the country. :(

Yesterday I cleaned the basement and put out my rug and chairs. Tried to make it look like home. I also gave Billie a flea treatment. He did not like that at all. Then put flea powder on the carpet. I need to get rid of them. If this does not work I think I will call an exterminator.

It is very nice to know I will be here for a while and don't have to find an RV park for the next day.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pensacola RV Park

We made it here yesterday. It was an uneventful 2 1/2 hour trip. It is a new park and very nice. The owners are very nice and friendly. They helped me back in to my space and helped me set up. My space is almost level. Just had to use 1 level.

It is so nice to be somewhere for a while. This morning I set out my "chatchkies" (sp). Some of them I haven't seen for 4 months. Put up my pictures too. Got out my bird feeder and cactus wood yard art. I started the job of cleaning my cupboards. Then the basement, that is a job I'm not looking forward to.

Billie is enjoying it, he gets to go outside more now. I am going to move the table so I can give him more lead to get tangled. He still has some fleas and is due for another flea bath and powder. I think I best use a flea bomb too.

Tomorrow I have an appointment to see about getting my truck repaired. We'll see how this goes. The claim adjuster was nice enough on the phone.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dothan Alabama

Arrived about 12: pm. I did not realize there is 1 hour time difference. That means that I will lose a total of 2 hours by tomorrow, due to day light savings time change! Ugh!

The park is nice, not very level, but ok. I met my neighbors yesterday, Doug and Judy. They are headed to a town not far from Pensacola. We exchanged info and plan on getting together in the next few weeks.

I'm having the trailer cleaned today even though it is going to rain. It is just to dirty not to.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I made it to Cochran, Ga. The park is nice, lots of trees etc. There is not much to do in this area. I drove to Dublin, it looked like a cute town on the brochure, but when I got there there was not an area to get out and just look around. There are lots of older homes that were nice.

I got on the internet and found that a group called Cowboy Envy was performing in a town about an hour away. I called and they said they still had tickets. So I drove over and the town is really pretty. Lots of older homes, etc. the theatre had been restored to its 1935 status. Art Deco style, beautiful. the group was very good and entertaining. I really enjoyed the show.

Yesterday I drove to Savannah and took a combination trolley/boat tour. The trolley tour was very good however, the boat tour was ok. Not much to see except the typical harbor stuff.

On the way home I was driving along and BANG! I was rear-ended! The other driver said his phone had slid to the next seat and he reached for it and when he did the steering wheel turned and he hit me. Thank goodness neither on of us was hurt. It took about 1 1/2 hours for the highway trooper to finally get there. In the meantime a local policeman and a sheriff pulled over and kept us company.

His car was damaged more than mine. My bumper and surrounding stuff needs to be replaced and maybe some work on the left rear fender. I called his company and they said I can have it repaired in Fl.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

One More Time

I tried the Magnolia Plantation again. Myra and I drove there yesterday, we left at 8am and got there at 10am. I went to the office to get my ticket and they also gave Myra a ticket. It is a magnificent trip. They do a really great job of explaining the slave situation and have restored 4 of the slave homes. They actually have employees whose ancestors were slaves on the adjoining plantation.

The slaves were brought to South Carolina to show the land owners how to grow rice. South Carolina produced a large percentage of the world rice. Evidently in the part of Africa that the South Carolina land owners got their slaves was a large producer of rice and they needed their expertise, not just there backs for hard labor. They brought their languages, customs and expertise. Very interesting information as I was certainly not taught that.

No pictures as I haven't had a chance to get my camera repaired. I was ready to go out and buy one just for that trip. So beautiful.

I got up early this am and got on the road by 9 am. arrived at the park at 1 pm. It is nice enough. The roads in the park are not graded very good, but are drivable. The present owners bought the park last year and do have some improvements to make.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lexington, SC

My face is looking much better. Lip is no longer swollen and I no longer have to wear band aids.

It has been rainy and cold. Monday it was not raining, so Myra and I decided to do something. We decided on a trip to the zoo. It is a very good one. They have a very good botanical garden, they even had signs with the names of the plants. Something you seldom see. They had a lot of very unusual plants. No pics as my camera is still broken. Looks like I will have to send it away to have it repaired.

Yesterday it rained and I spent the day doing house keeping stuff. ugh!

Billie is better, he is bothering me to go outside.

Myra and I are going to try going to the Plantation again. Maybe this time I will stay on my feet.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Magnolia Plantation & Garden

A lot has happened since I last wrote on my blog. I made it to Lexington, SC and the park is very nice and quiet. The spaces are large. I made contact with my nephew, Shaun, and with my sisters sister-in-law, Myra.

I decided to go to see a plantation and chose one in Charleston. Magnolia Plantation and Garden. I drove 2 hours to get there, bought my tickets and had lunch. I had about 45 minutes until my first tour so took a walk thru the garden. Well, it is really beautiful and they actually had signs with the names of the plants. I saw a small white bridge and decided to go over it to get a better view of the pond. As I was turning to get to it my sandal got caught on a branch or part of the path and DOWN I went. I didn't have time to break by fall with my hands and so hit my face first. Scratched my glasses beyond repair, broke my camera (I think I can have it repaired) and naturally have lots of cuts and bruises on my face. It looks worse than it sounds.

I cleaned myself up as good as I could. I had some water and kleenex. Picked myself up and stopped a couple and they walked with me to the house where we found an employee who took me to the office. They were very kind and gave me antiseptic and band aids. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and started to clean my wounds when a lady came over and offered to help. It was so nice to have someone take over and help me.

The lady in the office cancelled my tours and returned my money for me. they also gave me some ice to put on my face. I think it helped as the only swelling I had was my lip. Anyway I just came home and took a shower, washed my hair and face and took some tylenol for pain.

The next day my neck, shoulders and upper arms hurt, but my face looks better.

Mayra called and came and took my to lunch and then we went to Congaree National Park. It is a swamp. Very interesting, I recommend it for all to see. No pictures as my camera is broken. I do feel lost without it.

Billie is not doing good, he is still sick and I am taking him to the vet today.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Pride RV Resort NC

It has been a while since I last posted on my blog. I have not been feeling very good, but now am on the mend.

This park is very nice. It has a creek running thru it and lots of trees, yes, trees. I love trees except when they are a barrier to seeing what is along the road.

Yesterday I went to the Biltmore House. All I can say is WOW!! If you get a chance to see it, don't miss it. It is fabulous. The grounds are magnificent and it has a very peacefull air about it.

Today it is cold and cloudy. Don't know if I will go anywhere today. Might stay and do laundry, etc.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Greensboro, NC

Since my last entry I've found a park in Greensboro, NC. It has rained most every day since I arrived, but this a.m. I see sunshine.

The first day I was here I rested, for some reason I did not feel good. Billie had been sick for 2 days, so I took him to the vet. He has tonsillitis, who knew? He is on an antibiotic now, but doesn't seem to be any better. Might take him back to vet tomorrow.

I took a trip to Seagrove, NC. It is a small town that has about 100 potters. I stopped at a few and bought a present for a friend. On the way back I went to the NC Zoo. It is amazing! I didn't think I would need my camera - what a mistake!

I think I have an inner ear infection as I am dizzy when I get up or bend over and then stand up. It's been this way since Thursday. Tried benadryl, seems to help some.

The area is very nice and it is easy to get around. The park is nice and the owner/manager is very nice.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Shenandoah National Park

I decided to take a drive to see more of the state.  Yeh, right, just more trees!  Then I drove into Shenandoah Nat'l Park.  WOW!!  It is so beautiful.  I highly recommend it.  I saw dear and bears.  I could not get pictures of the bears as they were on the move and a little to deep in the woods, but WOW!  My first bear sighting. 

 I was driving in Shenandoah and listening to bluegrass, thought it could not get any better than this.  then----

I stopped at a comfort station and got something to eat and bought a cd of sounds of the park with music.  very peaceful.  I put in the cd and drove the rest of the way out of the park.

I drove that way to see how high the mountains were.  I believe the highest point was 3450.  For those of you in the west these are hills.

Tunnels of Trees

I know that everyone loves trees, me included.  However, for someone that was raised in the open desert of the southwest, the amount of trees in the eastern part of the country is a little claustrophobic.  See photos.  

Yesterday I drove from Williamsburg Va to Greensboro NC, about 250 miles.  I saw trees, that is all just trees. 

There has to be something on the other side.  I can't wait to get to open country again.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Williamsburg Va

We got here Tuesday and it is a very nice park.  Lots of trees and the spaces are long enough to park the truck with no problem.

I went to Colonial Williamsburg Wed and walked and walked.  The restoration is amazing and they have reinactments of the reading of the Declaration of Independence daily in the afternoon.  Very touching.

I was not feeling good the next day and spent it at home just resting.  However, the next day I went back and did the shops and then on to Jamestown.  Again, what a good job.  This is a national park and I expected the upkeep of the ships to be better.  They are in need of maintenance.  Sanding and varnishing is what is needed most.  I met a very nice couple on the bus trip over and we walked the park together.  It was very good to have someone to talk to about what you are seeing.

I am doing a seperate post for my trip I took yesterday.  It was really good.  

I'm trying to decide if I want to go to West Va or to North Carolina next.  the weather will have a lot to do with it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Woodbine MD

We pulled into Woodbine Sept 8th.  I was visiting an old high school chum that I had not seen in about 48 years.  She said  I could park on her land, but when I got there it was not a good spot as she was on a slight hill.  So, I went to a nearby RV park and then Billie and I went to her house and just went back to pick up clean clothes, etc.

It was really nice to see her again and reminence about old times.  Trying to remember classmates and their names!  We have been in  contact with some via facebook and  We plan on going to our 50th next October.  

She took me to Gettysburg, Pa and Washington DC.  More later about them.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hawk Mt Sanctuary

I went to Hawk Mountain Sancgtuary and it was wonderful.  I reccommend it to anyone who is in this area.  Evidently Bald Eagles, Hawks, etc migrate thru this valley in the fall and you can view them from several sites.  I saw Turkey Vultures, but was here to early in the month to see much else.

The path to the south lookout is flat and wide and very nice.  However, the path to the north lookout is quite rocky and uphill.  You can't have any knee or back problems for this one.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Trip to PA

Yesterday I left Ct.  It started out with not being able to get the trailer hitched to the truck!  After MANY tries I finally climed in the bed of the truck and got the hitch to close several times and used silicon on it.  Finally got it hitched and was on my way to the RV park to dump my tanks.  Well, the day stayed true to form and the manager was not there to let me in.  I left and was on my way!  I stopped at a rest area with tourist info and asked if they knew where a public dump site was and there was actually one there!!!  Yeh!!!  I emptied my tanks and was on my way.

The trip was 266 miles.  You would think that I would be at my destination in about 4 hours.  NOOOOO!  There was a lot of road construction with 45 mile speed limits.  I finally got here at 5pm.  Set up everything and again -  there is a tree in the satellite dishes way and the cable does not work.  

Went to bed early.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Northeast Trip

Well, I'm back from my 4 day trip thru the northeast.  I did not give myself enough time to see everything I wanted.  Will definetly have to come back.

The first day I made it to Portland, Maine.  I took Billie with me and had to find motels that accept pets.  I know that Best Western does and found one in Portland.  The next day I traveled up the coast and found the Ogunquit Museum of American Art.  What a find!  It was wonderful.  Then on to see some light houses.  Billie did not enjoy getting out of the truck and wanted to get to safety.

About noon I started west across Maine and spent the night in Bethal, Maine.  It is a very sweet town and in a beautiful area.  I called the chamber and they directed me to the Chapman Inn.  It is supposed to be haunted and with a cat!  No wonder Billie spent his time under the bed.

Then across New Hampshire and on to Vermont.  I ended up in Burlington VT at, you guessed it, the Best Western Motel.  Thursday I was going to go the a museum but when I got in the truck it said to check my right rear tire.  It was very low.  I tried putting air in it to no avail.  I found a Chevy dealer and had them check the tire and change the oil, etc.  4 hours and $600. later I was on my way back to Woodstock, Ct.

Today I am getting all ready to leave tomorrow and I am heading to Kutztown, PA.  The RV park is close enough to New York and Philadelphia that I can see all that I missed on this round.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Woodstock, Ct

Made it to Woodstock.  It was quite a trip!  I paid $50.00 in tolls on Hwy 90.  But, I don't pay a state income tax, so this is my contribution to use their roads.

I am staying at my sister-in-laws brothers home.  It is really beautiful here and he is very nice and hospitable.  The only problem is the heat and humidity.  

I am going to go sightseeing tomorrow as I am just happy to be somewhere for a few weeks.  I think I will take day trips to the various surrounding states. Well, I went to Worcester, Ma to see 2 museums.  Naturally 1 was closed so, I went to the other one and it was open.  The Higgens Armory Museum is worth the time to see.  It is a collection of suits of armor and the weapons used during that time period.

Took a drive to RI and stopped  at Wickford.  It is a cute town on east side and went shopping.  Looked at several antique shops.  Found a pair of silver tee pee salt and pepper shakers supposedly made by a Navaho.  Passed on buying them as I bought 2 match safes the day before.  

Planning a trip to Maine, NH and VT  I thought it would take 2 days, but have found that it will take me 3-4 days.  I'm taking Billie with me and if that does not work out I will just come back early.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Niagara Falls, NY

I made it to the RV park and got set up ok.  I am between 2 big tress and had to park so one of them is between my door and slideout.  Can't get satellite and am thinking of just canceling it.

Today, I took a tour to the falls.  WOW! is all I can say.  Naturally I took a lot of pictures and I am going to find out how to set up a slideshow for them.  I am inspired.  I have always wanted to see Niagara Falls, but did not think I would actually make it.  I really do like this traveling.

I am headed to Woodstock, CT tomorrow and have reservations at a park near the Adirondack Mountains close to Utica, NY.  I plan on staying 2 days, then on to CT.

My sister-in-law's brother lives there and said  I could park at his place.  More later.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Old Forge PA

I left Richmond and spent a night in Mogadore, Ohio at Countryside Campground. The park was nice but I had some trouble getting  parked.  I had to have help from the people in the next camp.  There were 3 women there and they helped me.  After I set up I went over and visited with them for a while.  They were from different parts of the country there for a week.

I left the next day and headed to Clearfield, PA.  I was going to spend the night in the Elks Club parking lot, but got there about 12 and decided to see how much longer it would be to get to my next stop.  It was only going to be another 3 hours, so I went ahead and went across PA.  I got to the RV park and was given a "pull thru".  It was uphill and not level.  I did get set up, again with help from fellow campers.  The front of the trailer was about a foot off the ground, if that, and I had to stack rocks for the jacks in the back.  Nothing was level.  

The next day Rita came to get me and they were going to charge her $5 to come in and visit! So I walked out to meet her.  I had them just drop me off at a different gate.  I was not very happy about that, I have not had a park charge just for a visitor.

The next day we went to New York City.   We tried to see Jersey Boys but it was sold out so we saw Mama Mia.  It was good.  We walked and walked, I saw Rockefeller Square, Central Park, had lunch at the Carnegie Deli - very expensive.  But dinner made up for it.  It was very good. 

 I don't know why anyone would want to live there. It is crowded, dirty and it smells.   Give me open country anytime!

The next day I had a talk with the owner and we got everything settled.  She let me move to a better spot.  I had to take my rig over to another town to have my refrigerator repaired and when I got back I was able to park in my new spot and now I am level and happier.

Rita took me to the Lacawanna Coal Mine Tour.   See picture,( wish I knew how to add a slideshow). It is quite an experience.  You go down 250 ft below in a coal car.  It was a very hard way to make a living.  Then we went to lunch and for a drive in the Pocono's.  It is really beautiful there.  We thought be had time to see some falls, but got there to late.

Saturday,  Rita's family had a reunion and I met her cousins, etc.  It must be nice to have family so close.  Mine is scattered across the western states.

Sunday we were to drive to the Amish country but it was raining so we went shopping and to the movies.  We saw Julie & Julia and then Hangover.  Hangover is soooo funny.

Monday we went to Jim Thorpe, PA in the Poconos.  It is such a cute town, with a lot of history.  Naturally we spent a lot of time on lunch and missed out on the butterfly exhibit.  We did see the old Jail and took the tour.  very interesting.

Tuesday I pulled out and was on my way to Niagara Falls, NY.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Richmond, In

Made it here Sunday.  I'm at Grandpa's Farm RV Park.  It is very nice, lots of trees, etc.  However, I look out my back window at a fence and a major road.  But over the fence the view is a corn field and trees.  

My refrigerator is freezing everything.  I called a repair man and he is ordering a new thermister.  Also my dish receiver is not working.  I can't even explain the level of frustration I reached dealing with Dish net.  I finally got them to overnight a new receiver, but can't get anyone to come out to make sure all is ok.  Evidently they don't service RV's.  they will sell us the product but won't service it.  I am thinking of  checking out Direct TV.

I stayed a week and met some very nice local folks.    So far everyone has been very nice.  It is time to get on the road again.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Montgomery IN

I'm now in Montomery, IN at an RV park that has mostly full time rv's.  They use it like a vacation home.  they only have 5 spots for travelers.  It is really beautiful here, green and clean.  Had dinner at an Amish restaurant - soooo good.  They had quilts on display that are entered in an auction.  I doubt that I could afford any of them!

Today I am heading to Washington, IN to see if I can locate my birth fathers birth certificate.  We have not had any luck so far.  He doesn't seem to be on any of the cencus rolls.  I need to find out the name etc of his parents.  Got a birth certificate for my birth father, we had his birthdate wrong.  Could not get one for his father.  The state did not require them in 1884.  Not sure what to do now to find information on him.

Headed to Richmond, In.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cahokia Mounds

Yes, I made it out of OK.  I am in Cahokia, ILL.  It is just across the river from St Louis, MO.  My satillite dish is not working and I am being forced to watch local TV.  Not to bad, just no HGTV!! 

 Sunday I went to see the Cahokia Mounds.  WOW!  They are dated from 800-1200 AD!  The Mississippian culture was at it peak during that time.  The park covers more than 40 acres.  It is quite impressive.  They have a very good museum and movie and you can walk the grounds, climb the mounds, which are small pyramids.  

Growing up in the southwest it is intersting to learn about our history before the white man arrived.  This is not taught in schools.  

I found out that I need to have a technician come out and fix my satillite.  Everyone I called has a 3 week waiting list.  Looks like I will be watching local tv for a while.. Ugh!  or I could read, etc.

St Louis Mo Arch

Yesterday I went on a bus tour of St. Louis.  It is such a pretty town.  Old brick buildings with carvings, etc on the buildings.  They are doing a great job of restoring the old buildings and building new ones to match the archetecture of the existing ones.  The tour guide was very good and took us to some places that were not on the list.  

We had the choice of going to the Arch or the Brewery.  I chose the Arch and took the ride to the top.  It was quite a trip.  The Arch is quite impressive.  But the most impressive place we visited was The Cathedral Basilica of St Louis.  WOW!! does not even begin to describe ones reaction when you go in and see it for the first time.  There are over 41,500 pieces of mosaics in more than 8,000 shades of colors.  There are no words to describe how beautiful it is. 

She also drove us thru different neighborhoods.  If I had gone on my own I never would have seen.  She was very informative and very proud of St Louis and the history of the area.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cherokee Hertiage Center

Well, I am still on a learning curve adding pictures.  Here is another try.  These are pictures of the village.  It was a very interesting experience.  I've been told that I am part Cherokee, but do not have any proof.  I hope to find some on this trip.