Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I made it to Cochran, Ga. The park is nice, lots of trees etc. There is not much to do in this area. I drove to Dublin, it looked like a cute town on the brochure, but when I got there there was not an area to get out and just look around. There are lots of older homes that were nice.

I got on the internet and found that a group called Cowboy Envy was performing in a town about an hour away. I called and they said they still had tickets. So I drove over and the town is really pretty. Lots of older homes, etc. the theatre had been restored to its 1935 status. Art Deco style, beautiful. the group was very good and entertaining. I really enjoyed the show.

Yesterday I drove to Savannah and took a combination trolley/boat tour. The trolley tour was very good however, the boat tour was ok. Not much to see except the typical harbor stuff.

On the way home I was driving along and BANG! I was rear-ended! The other driver said his phone had slid to the next seat and he reached for it and when he did the steering wheel turned and he hit me. Thank goodness neither on of us was hurt. It took about 1 1/2 hours for the highway trooper to finally get there. In the meantime a local policeman and a sheriff pulled over and kept us company.

His car was damaged more than mine. My bumper and surrounding stuff needs to be replaced and maybe some work on the left rear fender. I called his company and they said I can have it repaired in Fl.

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