Monday, July 27, 2009

Richmond, In

Made it here Sunday.  I'm at Grandpa's Farm RV Park.  It is very nice, lots of trees, etc.  However, I look out my back window at a fence and a major road.  But over the fence the view is a corn field and trees.  

My refrigerator is freezing everything.  I called a repair man and he is ordering a new thermister.  Also my dish receiver is not working.  I can't even explain the level of frustration I reached dealing with Dish net.  I finally got them to overnight a new receiver, but can't get anyone to come out to make sure all is ok.  Evidently they don't service RV's.  they will sell us the product but won't service it.  I am thinking of  checking out Direct TV.

I stayed a week and met some very nice local folks.    So far everyone has been very nice.  It is time to get on the road again.

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