Tuesday, October 20, 2009

One More Time

I tried the Magnolia Plantation again. Myra and I drove there yesterday, we left at 8am and got there at 10am. I went to the office to get my ticket and they also gave Myra a ticket. It is a magnificent trip. They do a really great job of explaining the slave situation and have restored 4 of the slave homes. They actually have employees whose ancestors were slaves on the adjoining plantation.

The slaves were brought to South Carolina to show the land owners how to grow rice. South Carolina produced a large percentage of the world rice. Evidently in the part of Africa that the South Carolina land owners got their slaves was a large producer of rice and they needed their expertise, not just there backs for hard labor. They brought their languages, customs and expertise. Very interesting information as I was certainly not taught that.

No pictures as I haven't had a chance to get my camera repaired. I was ready to go out and buy one just for that trip. So beautiful.

I got up early this am and got on the road by 9 am. arrived at the park at 1 pm. It is nice enough. The roads in the park are not graded very good, but are drivable. The present owners bought the park last year and do have some improvements to make.

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