Monday, September 21, 2009

Williamsburg Va

We got here Tuesday and it is a very nice park.  Lots of trees and the spaces are long enough to park the truck with no problem.

I went to Colonial Williamsburg Wed and walked and walked.  The restoration is amazing and they have reinactments of the reading of the Declaration of Independence daily in the afternoon.  Very touching.

I was not feeling good the next day and spent it at home just resting.  However, the next day I went back and did the shops and then on to Jamestown.  Again, what a good job.  This is a national park and I expected the upkeep of the ships to be better.  They are in need of maintenance.  Sanding and varnishing is what is needed most.  I met a very nice couple on the bus trip over and we walked the park together.  It was very good to have someone to talk to about what you are seeing.

I am doing a seperate post for my trip I took yesterday.  It was really good.  

I'm trying to decide if I want to go to West Va or to North Carolina next.  the weather will have a lot to do with it.

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