Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Trip to PA

Yesterday I left Ct.  It started out with not being able to get the trailer hitched to the truck!  After MANY tries I finally climed in the bed of the truck and got the hitch to close several times and used silicon on it.  Finally got it hitched and was on my way to the RV park to dump my tanks.  Well, the day stayed true to form and the manager was not there to let me in.  I left and was on my way!  I stopped at a rest area with tourist info and asked if they knew where a public dump site was and there was actually one there!!!  Yeh!!!  I emptied my tanks and was on my way.

The trip was 266 miles.  You would think that I would be at my destination in about 4 hours.  NOOOOO!  There was a lot of road construction with 45 mile speed limits.  I finally got here at 5pm.  Set up everything and again -  there is a tree in the satellite dishes way and the cable does not work.  

Went to bed early.

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