Friday, November 6, 2009

Pride in a job well done???

Last month I sent in forms to have money from my IRA sent to my checking account. Well, that did not go as planned.

First they only do direct deposits on the 1st and 15th. Not that anyone told me, which would have been nice since I asked for it to be on the 20th. I thought OK I can work with the 1st, so naturally I'm checking my account to make sure it goes thru. Guess what!!! NOTHING

I called and was told that it was processed on the 2nd because the 1st was a Sunday. Waited and whalla, again NOTHING. I called each day and was told that it had been processed and to keep looking for it. Finally, yesterday I find that it was NOT processed. They were missing some information so, they sent it to me by mail. What happened to using a telephone? Wouldn't that have made more sense?

11-9-09 checked and guess what, the money is there. yeh!!!

Naturally I had to call them and they said oh! I was just about to call you. Right! She said on the scanned paperwork the account # did not show up. She got out the paper copy and could read the number and did a direct deposit and put a stop payment on the check. Perhaps this should have been done first? So much for being efficient.

I asked that someone call me and let me know what happened and what we need to do now to fix this problem. As of this moment, no call. They have until 1pm my time to call me then I will call them again. This time I want to speak to a manager!!!

This is the worst customer service I have been subjected to. Probably, not the worst someone else has been subjected to. My question is WHAT HAPPENED TO PRIDE IN ONES WORK??

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