Friday, November 20, 2009

More good weather

It has been very nice here the last few days. I wish it were a little warmer.

Took my truck to the repair shop Monday and got a Chevy Malibu as a a rental. I like it. It is peppy and very easy to handle. Of course I like my truck better. but not a bad rental.

I took a drive yesterday and tried to get to Destin. It is supposed to be a cute town. I found the one next to it, but since I did not have a map with me (it was a spur of the moment trip) I missed it. I think I will go after I get my nails done Tuesday. I'm still having trouble getting the lay of the land. I need a local map of the gulf.

Monday I have a Dr appt to have my 6 month blood work done. I don't like going to a new Dr. You don't know what you will get. This one was recommended by my neighbor.

It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I think I will go see the Michael Jackson movie. I hope i enjoy it. I wanted to see him in concert, but never did so this is second best. I'll let you know what I think.

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