Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am staying here in Florida and having dinner at the park. I just finished making 2 salads. There are supposed to be about 75 people. Some will me young military that can't get home. Should be a good event.

I did look up air fare and it would be just to expensive to get to Calif. I will go in Feb. Carmel should be back in Pt Richmond and I can visit with Michael too.

I was feeling depressed yesterday, but have resolved not being with family on TG. Not sure about Xmas yet.

The sun is shining, finally. it has been cold and cloudy for a week. I was doubting my choice for my winter stay.

Thanksgiving was very nice. the park owners fixed turkey, duck, quail and ham. The park visitors brought the best of the best for the pot luck. There were 16 marines from the base and they were all VERY young and VERY polite. They are all a good representation of our young people that never get the credit they deserve.

Needless to say, we all ate to much but there is still lots of food left for today. Lunch should be good.

I talked to all my family and I do miss them all. Especially Michael and Carmel. But I do not miss flying to Calif. I hope to be closer next year. I find that I like the west better than the east.

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