Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cahokia Mounds

Yes, I made it out of OK.  I am in Cahokia, ILL.  It is just across the river from St Louis, MO.  My satillite dish is not working and I am being forced to watch local TV.  Not to bad, just no HGTV!! 

 Sunday I went to see the Cahokia Mounds.  WOW!  They are dated from 800-1200 AD!  The Mississippian culture was at it peak during that time.  The park covers more than 40 acres.  It is quite impressive.  They have a very good museum and movie and you can walk the grounds, climb the mounds, which are small pyramids.  

Growing up in the southwest it is intersting to learn about our history before the white man arrived.  This is not taught in schools.  

I found out that I need to have a technician come out and fix my satillite.  Everyone I called has a 3 week waiting list.  Looks like I will be watching local tv for a while.. Ugh!  or I could read, etc.

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