Monday, October 12, 2009

Magnolia Plantation & Garden

A lot has happened since I last wrote on my blog. I made it to Lexington, SC and the park is very nice and quiet. The spaces are large. I made contact with my nephew, Shaun, and with my sisters sister-in-law, Myra.

I decided to go to see a plantation and chose one in Charleston. Magnolia Plantation and Garden. I drove 2 hours to get there, bought my tickets and had lunch. I had about 45 minutes until my first tour so took a walk thru the garden. Well, it is really beautiful and they actually had signs with the names of the plants. I saw a small white bridge and decided to go over it to get a better view of the pond. As I was turning to get to it my sandal got caught on a branch or part of the path and DOWN I went. I didn't have time to break by fall with my hands and so hit my face first. Scratched my glasses beyond repair, broke my camera (I think I can have it repaired) and naturally have lots of cuts and bruises on my face. It looks worse than it sounds.

I cleaned myself up as good as I could. I had some water and kleenex. Picked myself up and stopped a couple and they walked with me to the house where we found an employee who took me to the office. They were very kind and gave me antiseptic and band aids. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and started to clean my wounds when a lady came over and offered to help. It was so nice to have someone take over and help me.

The lady in the office cancelled my tours and returned my money for me. they also gave me some ice to put on my face. I think it helped as the only swelling I had was my lip. Anyway I just came home and took a shower, washed my hair and face and took some tylenol for pain.

The next day my neck, shoulders and upper arms hurt, but my face looks better.

Mayra called and came and took my to lunch and then we went to Congaree National Park. It is a swamp. Very interesting, I recommend it for all to see. No pictures as my camera is broken. I do feel lost without it.

Billie is not doing good, he is still sick and I am taking him to the vet today.

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