Monday, May 31, 2010


Yesterday Billie and took our morning walk and there were Canadian Geese on the pond. A family of 9. Five adults and 4 little ones. They are not nervous about us watching them, the manager said they are used to people and visit the pond on a regular basis.

I took the day off yesterday, didn't feel very good. Today it is raining and I think I will just spend the day getting ready to leave tomorrow. I'm on my way to Vicksburg, Ms for a week. Then across Alabama and wind my way north to W. Va. My little sister, Tenzin, will be there for the summer and I want to visit with her as it will probably be a long time before I see her again. She is going to college in Ct.

This oil spill is devastating. So sad.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today I started to go to Baton Rouge but ended up in a small town that had an antique district. I spent the day shopping and had lunch then a slow drive back. It was very nice to actually see some of the country and not just trees.

Yesterday I spent in the trailer with the air conditioning on. The heat and humidity of Tuesday just did me in. I can't take to much of it. I long for the southwest - to see a cactus. I know that sounds strange, but this part of the country is not for me. It is beautiful and the people have been so nice, but it is not home.

Sheryl made her salsa while I was there and it made me homesick for some good Mexican food. The operative word is good.

Tomorrow is laundry day. I found a laundry mat not to far from here. I've been putting it off as I hate them but there is not a sewer hook up here.

New Orleans

I went to New Orleans Tuesday. I was scheduled to take a tour at 2pm but I got there early to walk around the French Quarter. I found a parking lot that had room for my truck and decided a little extra walk would not hurt me. I enjoyed a slow walk and took in the atmosphere of the area. It is so different than what I'm used to. I really liked it. The shops are interesting and lots of bars and restaurants.

I took one of many horse drawn tours and the tour guide was very interesting and full of history. I recommend this tour very much, I saw a lot of the Quarter and did not have to walk in this humidity.

Had coffee and a french donut at Cafe Monde. It was ok. The coffee was good but the donut is a smaller version of Indian Fry Bread served with powdered sugar. I walked around for a while and decided I needed a cool spot for lunch. The humidity in this part of the country is getting the better of me. I found an art store that was a cooperative and had some very good artists. One gave me the name of a yarn store. I'm not sure I'm going there, as I have enough yarn for 3 projects already.

The bus tour was ok. Again, not as good as the one I took in St. Louis, Mo. But I did see a lot of the city out side of the French Quarter. Then some red beans and rice for dinner and home. While walking back to my truck I noticed that the city was waking up. Musicians on the street and the lights were coming on. If I were with someone I would have stayed a little longer, but as I was by myself I left.

If the weather was better New Orleans would be a place I could live.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yesterday I stayed around home. Needed to wash hair etc. About noon I decided to go find fuel as I'm headed into New Orleans today. I stopped at a mall and did some window shopping. While there a storm blew threw. Loud thunder and the lights went out in the mall.just for a few seconds. The wind blew and it really rained hard. When I got back the tire covers were almost off, the cat cage overturned and my new welcome sign was laying on the ground. It is supposed to be here again today.

I'm leaving early to go into New Orleans and walk around the french quarter. My tour is at 2pm but since parking is at a premium I'm getting there early.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Slidell La Elks Lodge

I'm finally on my 2010 journey. The Elks Lodge has very nice facilities. I'm backed up to a small pond. Billie has a lot to watch from the back window. There are Live Oak trees and a large grassy area. Pool and showers, elect and water. All for $11. per day. The manager parked my trailer for me and he just backed it in like it was nothing. I think I best start doing in myself so I can do that. Yeah right!

Today I'm going to drive to the Barataria Preserve, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park. The road goes to the wetlands. I don't know how far I can go since the oil spill. A very sad event.

The weather is hot and humid. The low tonight is supposed to be 75. Ugh!!! More later.

Friday, May 21, 2010

50,000 miles

Wednesday I hit 50,000 miles on my truck. Unfortunately not all of it was traveling. Tomorrow I actually start my 2010 wanderings. I'm headed to Slidell, LA for a week. It is near New Orleans so I will go over and visit there and hope to get to Baton Rouge. I'm staying at the Elks Lodge there. All sites are back ins, so it will be interesting getting set up. Hope there is someone there to guide me in.

Yesterday Wendell, the park owner, put in a new window frame on my door. The other one had turned yellow and was distracting from my stained glass window. It looks so much better now. It was quite a job. You would think they could manufacture one that will not turn color.

Today is set for getting all ready to leave. I have mixed feelings about leaving. When you live someplace for a while you make friends and get very comfortable. I have made some very good friends here and will miss them. But I'm eager to leave too.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

High School Graduation

I went to OK for my great niece's graduation. She went to a private christian school and there were 17 graduates. It was a very nice ceremony. One of the things they did was each student asked their parents to stand and they told them what they meant to them. A lot of tears were shed!!!

Needless to say, my niece was the prettiest graduate. She is going to go to South Western Oklahoma State in Weatherford. I'm very proud of her.

My brother-in-law is not doing as good as we had hoped. My sister is having a hard time with this. I hope I can be there for her. I hate that she has to go thru this.

Before I left here there were tornadoes in OK and I was worried about being in one. Well, there was a tornado alert Sunday. The storm was produced only hail and no tornados. Thankfully. That is an experience I will pass.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Beading, etc

Saturday I went to a bead show with Margaret and was inspired to do more beading. We did find a new method in a bead book we bought. I started a new bead project today using the new method. I hope to use it to make the horse pattern bracelet that I found. First I need to get proficient at it.

I decided that I was going to make all the Christmas gifts this year and I hope to use this new method to make a gift for my daughters boyfriend. We shall see how it goes. Some people will get socks and others scarfs and matching hats. Also some had arm warmers. I think this will be fun, for me, at least.

This new exercise program is good. I started walking a mile a day and today I added a lap. I'm thinking of adding another time of day to walk too. That way I can do 2 miles a day. I am feeling better and sleeping better, which is a big plus. Maybe I'll lose some weight!! :) that would be a bonus.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Columbian Food

Today I had my nails done and went to lunch with Lynn, the lady that does my nails. We went to a Columbian restaurant. The food was very good however I did not like everything on my plate. Their tamales are not like the ones I'm used to. I liked everything else though. For all my friends that know what a fussy eater I am, this is news. I'm a "meat and potatoes" person.

I stopped and stocked up on the make up I wear as once I'm on the road again it might be hard to find. I also had a brain freeze on the pattern of the sock that I'm knitting and had to call the yarn shop. They walked me thru it and when I got home I finished the heel. :):) "I bet they will be glad when I leave the area." I really do like knitting them. The yarn is very colorful and they look good. They also fit very good. I forgot what it was like to wear socks with shaped heels. Tube socks Ugh!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to a bead show. Margaret and I have been trying to learn a new bead weaving method. I think I will like it when I get the hang of it. Slow go for me. More on that later. maybe even a picture.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Foggy Morning

It is foggy this morning and the birds are singing. Another storm came thru but the sun was out yesterday and it is supposed to be a sunny week end. I've been knitting and learning a new way to weave beads. I think I will like this very much, I won't have to set up the loom but get the same result. Also I can do smaller projects without the loom. Setting up the loom is much like setting up the ironing board. Once it is done all is good.

I got some bad news about one of my brothers and my brother-in-law. It has taken a few days for it to sink in. Like has a way of knocking us down when we least expect it. I'm afraid it is going to be a difficult year for my family.

Saturday Margaret, by beading partner, and I are going to a bead fair. Should be interesting. Then next week I head to OK for one of my neices high school graduation. She is such a beautiful young lady. Can't wait to see everyone.