Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well, it is official. I do have a cataract on my right eye. Surgery is scheduled for the 16th of August. According to the video it will not be as traumatic as I thought. But, I still do not like it.

My air conditioner has been on the fritz. It works for a few hours then freezes. The repairman has tried several solutions and he finally put in a new part. It was 89 in here when I left and went back to my sisters house. I came back about 3:30 pm and it is now 84. That is progress!!!! Especially in this heat and humidity. No ice either.

Kizer, the dog has been a problem when we let him out of the crate. This a.m. I went back and let him out after only 1 hour and he went nuts. Nipping at my ankles and jumping up on me. I just put him back in the crate and took my shower, etc. I then went and got my truck washed and came back home to wait for the repairman. I decided that if I was calmer and gave him a treat he might do better. When I went back I made him sit and stay in the crate and then gave him a treat and let him out. I also was sitting in a chair and he was a lot calmer. He just went around and around the chair. I gave him pats and told him what a good dog he is. That worked a lot better. One of my sisters friends told her to just turn around and not talk to him and to keep turning until he quit. That sounds good too. I think whatever we were doing was escalating his behavior.

My poor cat is upset about being locked in the guest room. I let him out when Kizer is in the crate, but he just cries when he hears my voice. We just need to be in our home and back to our routine.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Update - Sister/Brother

Still in Oklahoma and will be for a while. My sister is doing good. We started cleaning the garage yesterday. We worked on it for 2 hours and got some shelves cleaned. Took many cans of paint to the hazerdous dump. They have a very slick operation there. We didn't even have to get out of the car. There is much more to clean. Jay was a pack rat extrodinaire.

My brother, Eddie, from Tucson is flying in to see Dan. Sheryl and I will drive down to see him. This is not a trip we are looking forward to. There will be 4 weeks difference in Dan. This is very hard to deal with.

I have an appt with an Opthamologist tomorrow regarding the cataract on my right eye. Hopefully this will not be to much of an ordeal. I'll let all know asap.

I hope my next post will have better news.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Texas - Brother, Dan

Earlier this week my sister and I drove to Granbury, Tx to visit our brother, Dan. He has bile duct cancer and has been on chemo. It was a good trip down there, but when we got there we realized how far along he is. We got there Tuesday afternoon, after he had a CAT scan and left Thursday am. Stopped at several antique stores and a produce stand. Bought one of the best watermelons I've had.

On Friday he went to the Dr for the results of the CAT scan. The chemo had no effect on the cancer and they took him off chemo and told them to call Hospice. This is not news the that we wanted to hear. I think this has prolonged my stay in Oklahoma as the prognosis is not good. He has not been with us long enough as we only found him about 16 years ago. Our Mother had given him up for adoption and he found us. It has been amazing having an older brother. It was like he had been a part of our family from the beginning. His sence of humor is the same, etc. and his wife, Jo is like a sister. She is so sweet.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Jay's Funeral

Jay's funeral was yesterday. It was a very nice funeral and there were a lot of people there. He had a lot of friends. He retired from the Army after serving one tour in Korea and two terms in Viet Nam. They had a military funeral the it was very touching. They actually played TAPS live and not a recording. There was an 80% chance of rain yesterday, but we did not get any. It was cloudy and cool.

My sister is doing as good as can be expected. She still has company, but they leave tomorrow. We plan on going down to Texas to visit our brother, Dan, for a few days Monday.

I'm going to a lab this morning to get things set for some lab work and then I need my eyes checked. My right lens is blurry - lens or eye? I think it is my eye. It is nice to be in one place for a while to get this sort of stuff done. I don't like the circumstances but it is nice.

Billie doesn't like it as I have been gone all day since we got here. He is scolding me then ignores me for a while. Cats!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I left Memphis about 8:30 am and drove to Ft Smith Arkansas. I got there at noon and thought what am I going to do here so I called OnStar and they said it was only 3 more hours to Yukon. So, I just drove on thru. I thought I would be more tired than I was. I am glad to get up this morning and not have to hit the road again. It was a good decision.

This is the first time I've stayed at this park and it is nice and so far quiet. I plan on staying in this area for about 2 months as my brother-in-law passed away and I think my sister will need me. Especially after everyone goes home and all the activity is over. They were married 42 years. Today I have orders to be at her house by 9am so we can talk to the pastor and go to the funeral home.

A lot of family is coming in for the funeral and it will be good to see them, just not under these circumstances. Jay was loved and will be missed by many.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


When I pulled in the other day there was a bird that kept chirping at me and acting wierd. I got set up and then checked my bird book and discovered that it was a kildeer. Evidently they fake a broken wing to distract you from the nest.

I went outside and looked for a nest and did not find one and was very confused as to its actions. Gene, my nephew, came over and I was telling him about it and we went out and he found the egg. It was just laying there among the rocks in the space next door.

So now when I go out I make sure not to upset the mother bird. She just sits on the egg even in the heat of the day. There are not trees around the park so I was suprised to see a nesting bird.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Memphis, Tn

I got an early start for my trip to Memphis. Got here about 1pm. It was a pretty good trip. It did not take long to set up as the spot is pretty level. I'm at the Agriculture Center, suprisingly they have an RV park. Not many amenities but it will do for 3 days. There is a Farmers Market here and I went over there this am. Bought a Christmas present for a friend.

Last night I went to my nephews home and had dinner with him and their 2 boys. His wife had to work so I'm seeing her today. I had not seen her or the boys for 13 years. Way to long. Today we are going into town and do some sight seeing. Should be interesting.

Not sure what is happening for tomorrow, probably just hanging out.

Then on to Oklahoma. My brother-in-law passed away and I'm going to stay with my sister for a few months. Hopefully I will have something good to write about.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Corvette Museum

I took the day off traveling and spent the day cleaning and replenishing. I went to WalMart and shopped for food. Yeh! Then I decided to get my truck washed. What a problem. Seems the hitch in the bed is a problem for the car washes in this part of the country. I talked them into doing it with no problem. It looks a lot better. Now to get my trailer washed.

Then I went to the Corvette Museum. A car I have loved since high school. They had a 1959, my favorite!!!. It was nice to have a day off traveling. I feel a lot better.

I'm on my way to Memphis to visit my nephew and his family.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I left Va on Monday and spent that night in a small rv park in Grayson, KY. It was a long day of driving, yes, once again in a tunnel of trees. I know there was more of West Virginia that I did not get to see. The park was nice. I could get 4 tv stations, thank goodness one was cbs. NCI yeh!!

Pulled out about 8:30 am and drove to Bowling Green, KY. Kentucky does not have as many trees and the drive though long was a lot more enjoyable. Lots of road construction, but not bad.

Another long day. Pulled into the KOA in Bowling Green and was given a site. Not a very wide spot and it took me 30 minutes and 3 drive thru's to get to a point I thought I could get my trailer level. Needless to say I was very frustrated by it all. I finally got set up and cooled down.

Today I need to get my truck washed, go to Walmart, laundry, etc. Also the Corvette Museum. I want to just visit with my nephew and his family as I will only be there 3 days. I'm cutting my stay one day short as I think I will have a better chance of getting thru Nashville on the 5th as it is a holiday. Hope to miss the early morning work traffic. Also my brother-in-law is not doing good and I need to get to Ok as soon as possible.