Friday, April 2, 2010

Leaving Pensacola

I left yesterday morning about 9am. It was strange getting eveything ready to leave. I kept hoping everything would work and I would not have any problems. So far, so good.

I got to the Perry Elks Club about 3pm (there is a time change between Pensacola and Perry). They have a large grassy area set up with water and electricity. Very nice facility. I met my neighbors Barbara and Larry. Barbara is not if good health and did not go to dinner so Larry and went to eat at the club. Just as we sat down a couple came in that had just pulled in. We had a very nice dinner (the food was great!) and the conversation was too.

Today I drive to another Elks Club in Lake Wales, Fl.

I arrived and was told to park between a house and storage building. I got stuck and the back wheels of the truck were dug into the ground. I put the jacks down on the front of the trailer and unhitched the truck. After I set up the trailer I went over to the club and had a coke and visited with a couple sitting next to me. They were having a steak dinner, so I decided to try it. It was not bad. Better than my cooking - not to hard to do.

The next day I got up and got everything ready to hook up to leave, then went to the club for breakfast. Randy and several of the men came over and helped fill in the holes and covered them with boards. I was able to back up and hook up and pull out. Much to my suprise. I was all set for it to be a problem.

I left there and drove to the Big Cypress RV Resort on the Seminole Reservation. It is a very nice park. The phone service is very iffy but I can drive out to the road and get a bar on my phone.

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