Monday, April 12, 2010

Flamingo Gardens

This is one of those days you just have to "go with the flow."

I got up early, and left by 7-am to get to Miami to take a tour of the city. Well, it was raining like crazy and the traffic was terrible. I had to call and reschedule for Wednesday. I pulled over and had breakfast. There was a Publix (grocery store), so I did a little food shopping. I decided to drive to Hollywood, Fl. I had been told that it was a cute town to see. I did not know where to go so to me it was just another beach town.

Last week when I went to the Flamingo Gardens. I left the battery for my camera in the charger so, no pictures. I stopped on my way home and took numerous pics. (See Album). It is a beautiful place to visit. Anyway, I am now home and it is raining. again!!!!

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