Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am staying here in Florida and having dinner at the park. I just finished making 2 salads. There are supposed to be about 75 people. Some will me young military that can't get home. Should be a good event.

I did look up air fare and it would be just to expensive to get to Calif. I will go in Feb. Carmel should be back in Pt Richmond and I can visit with Michael too.

I was feeling depressed yesterday, but have resolved not being with family on TG. Not sure about Xmas yet.

The sun is shining, finally. it has been cold and cloudy for a week. I was doubting my choice for my winter stay.

Thanksgiving was very nice. the park owners fixed turkey, duck, quail and ham. The park visitors brought the best of the best for the pot luck. There were 16 marines from the base and they were all VERY young and VERY polite. They are all a good representation of our young people that never get the credit they deserve.

Needless to say, we all ate to much but there is still lots of food left for today. Lunch should be good.

I talked to all my family and I do miss them all. Especially Michael and Carmel. But I do not miss flying to Calif. I hope to be closer next year. I find that I like the west better than the east.

Friday, November 20, 2009

More good weather

It has been very nice here the last few days. I wish it were a little warmer.

Took my truck to the repair shop Monday and got a Chevy Malibu as a a rental. I like it. It is peppy and very easy to handle. Of course I like my truck better. but not a bad rental.

I took a drive yesterday and tried to get to Destin. It is supposed to be a cute town. I found the one next to it, but since I did not have a map with me (it was a spur of the moment trip) I missed it. I think I will go after I get my nails done Tuesday. I'm still having trouble getting the lay of the land. I need a local map of the gulf.

Monday I have a Dr appt to have my 6 month blood work done. I don't like going to a new Dr. You don't know what you will get. This one was recommended by my neighbor.

It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I think I will go see the Michael Jackson movie. I hope i enjoy it. I wanted to see him in concert, but never did so this is second best. I'll let you know what I think.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hurricane Ida

I thought I got to Florida after hurricane season, guess not. Ida has been downgraded to a tropical storm and I am sitting here watching it rain. It looks like the "eye" will hit us sometime this evening and early morning. Everyone that is staying says to put my sliders in and hunker down.

This is one experience that I am more than willing to pass. I don't like wind, never have. It used to blow so hard in Blythe that we would be sent home from school. could not see past our nose, to much sand. Ugh!!

I will let you know if I make it thru ok.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pride in a job well done???

Last month I sent in forms to have money from my IRA sent to my checking account. Well, that did not go as planned.

First they only do direct deposits on the 1st and 15th. Not that anyone told me, which would have been nice since I asked for it to be on the 20th. I thought OK I can work with the 1st, so naturally I'm checking my account to make sure it goes thru. Guess what!!! NOTHING

I called and was told that it was processed on the 2nd because the 1st was a Sunday. Waited and whalla, again NOTHING. I called each day and was told that it had been processed and to keep looking for it. Finally, yesterday I find that it was NOT processed. They were missing some information so, they sent it to me by mail. What happened to using a telephone? Wouldn't that have made more sense?

11-9-09 checked and guess what, the money is there. yeh!!!

Naturally I had to call them and they said oh! I was just about to call you. Right! She said on the scanned paperwork the account # did not show up. She got out the paper copy and could read the number and did a direct deposit and put a stop payment on the check. Perhaps this should have been done first? So much for being efficient.

I asked that someone call me and let me know what happened and what we need to do now to fix this problem. As of this moment, no call. They have until 1pm my time to call me then I will call them again. This time I want to speak to a manager!!!

This is the worst customer service I have been subjected to. Probably, not the worst someone else has been subjected to. My question is WHAT HAPPENED TO PRIDE IN ONES WORK??

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I went to the body shop and have an appointment for Monday to have it repaired. After the body shop I called to get a nail appointment and they could see me that morning. I went and also had a pedicure. On the way back I stopped at an antique shop, it was so nice to just shop and goof around. I stopped at a market on the way home and got a few things to fix a taco salad. I've given up on getting good tortillas on this side of the country. :(

Yesterday I cleaned the basement and put out my rug and chairs. Tried to make it look like home. I also gave Billie a flea treatment. He did not like that at all. Then put flea powder on the carpet. I need to get rid of them. If this does not work I think I will call an exterminator.

It is very nice to know I will be here for a while and don't have to find an RV park for the next day.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pensacola RV Park

We made it here yesterday. It was an uneventful 2 1/2 hour trip. It is a new park and very nice. The owners are very nice and friendly. They helped me back in to my space and helped me set up. My space is almost level. Just had to use 1 level.

It is so nice to be somewhere for a while. This morning I set out my "chatchkies" (sp). Some of them I haven't seen for 4 months. Put up my pictures too. Got out my bird feeder and cactus wood yard art. I started the job of cleaning my cupboards. Then the basement, that is a job I'm not looking forward to.

Billie is enjoying it, he gets to go outside more now. I am going to move the table so I can give him more lead to get tangled. He still has some fleas and is due for another flea bath and powder. I think I best use a flea bomb too.

Tomorrow I have an appointment to see about getting my truck repaired. We'll see how this goes. The claim adjuster was nice enough on the phone.