Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The Monument Fire is now 81% contained. It took about 50 homes and several businesses. The local communities have been wonderful and have pulled together to help their neighbors that have been evacuated and those that lost their homes. The weather was not a help. Winds up to 75 mph. It looks like the fire in NM has the same problem, wind and terrain.

This has been a year of bad weather, snowstormes, floods, tornadoes, fires. this has probably happened in the past but this is now and it is overwhelming.

It is sooo hot this past week. Over 100 but there is an end in site. Rain over the 4th!! We can only hope. It would be nice to have a comfortable day to do yard work. I have several projects outside, but it is just to hot or to windy. Everyone here says this is very unusual weather.

I went on a job interview Friday at an insurance agency. It is part time but I think I would like it. He is interviewing for the next few weeks so it will be a while before I find out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I got up this morning full of energy and decided to adjust my walkway. After I moved my unit over "just a smidge" my slideout covered the walkway. I only had to move the pavers about 8 inches. It was much more work than I thought it would be. But I got it done and am very happy with the results. I had to put some brick seperators in also as there is a small patch of green rocks and I needed to keep them where they are. It looks very good.

Now for the picnik table! I have the oil cloth and just need to sand and paint the legs and seats. Then I can cover the top with the oil cloth. Next month I am going to start painting the shed its new colors. Hopefully I will like them.

There is a small covered patio on the back of the shed and it has white wraught iron that needs cleaning and painting. It should not be a very tough project, just involved with all the curly ques. (sp)?

It would be nice to have it all done before folks start moving back.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Test Results

Yesterday was a looong day. I had to take a laxative in the am then at 12pm the drinking started. There is a gallon of mixture I had to drink. Ugh! I tried one of the flavor packets and it was terrible. So, the next glass I just drank it plain. Not to bad, so that was the way I drank the rest of it. After I as 1/2 the way thru I drove to Tucson. Pat and Pattie said they would take me to the Dr. office for the test. So I spent the night with them. Pattie has a class c motorhome and she brought it up and parked it next door to them. It was very nice and the bed was great.

We got up early and they dropped me off and went to have breakfast then come back. All in all it was a good experience. Evidently God blessed me with a long colon and I did a great job with the laxatives. Anyway I have diverticuloses. Just 1, but that is more than enough! A high fiber diet is called for.

We then went to breakfast, again. It was good to eat again. They are planning on buying a mobile home and we drove by to see it. I really like the area and it looks like a good one for them. I hope they get one they like/want.

Diesel in Tucson is cheaper, so I filled up at $3.99 per gal. Wonder how long this will last?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Medical Test

I'm in the process of getting ready for a colonoscopy tuesday. Ugh!!! Today I had my last meal and now I start a clear liquid diet for the next 2 days. Not really looking forward to this one.

It is hot and still windy. I bought some Marigolds. I was told that the rabbits do not like them. The Javalinas might. But it is worth a try to get some color around here. My petunias are doing great. I have them on a table - out of reach from rabbits and javalina. The oil cloth I ordered for my pic nik table came in and I really like it. Now I need to get the table ready and buy some outdoor cloth for the seats. I think I will use more once I get it done. Next is repainting the storage shed. I finally picked some colors that will be better than what I did first.

I had a good birthday. So many wishes from friends on Facebook. I was pleasantly suprised.

Not much else going on. More later.