Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Storage in Santa Fe

I left Benson yesterday after work and drove to Truth or Consequences. I got there about 9:30pm and was very tired. I had booked a room at a small motel and was very pleased when I got there. It was an older one but has been updated and is very clean.

I got up and drove to Santa Fe. I got here about 10 am and visited with Joni before she had to go to work. I called Tenzin and Nwang and picked them up and we went to Canyon Road and went Project Tibet. Very good stuff! Then we went to the Plaza to see Terri Greaves show at Shiprock Gallery. WHAT A SHOW! SHE IS SO TALENTED. 6 FT BEADED PIECES. WOW!!!

Then we went to my storage and loaded my truck down with stuff. I think I will need a trailer to get the rest of it to Az. I have until the 31st of August. Some day I will get the $75. check for the rental of my desk. We shall see. I was told I would have it by the end of the week. I'm giving them until next Wed. then call and call.

Tomorrow I'm having breakfast with Jeri and then home. It will be another long day.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


After the move I kept feeling that I had moved to far back. So, I hooked up again and moved forward about 12 inches. I know - it doesn't sound like much but I like it. Also, there is more room for Billies condo. (when ever I get it done)

I thought I had my finances in line but discovered that I had forgotten my auto/trailer insurance. What a suprise! Thankfully the company is letting me pay it in 2 payments. I can do that. Still have to watch pennys though. Oh well it is for just a while longer.

Wal-Mart has cut everyones hours by about 4 a week. I am looking for another job as this one is to hard on my back and legs. I prefer office work anyway.

Tomorrow I work until 5pm then I'm off to New Mexico. Spending the night in T or C and then on to Santa Fe. Tenzin will be there with Nwang. I am hoping to see as many friends as possible. Also going to storage to bring back as much as I can get in my truck. I took out the hitch, so there is much more room. The tool box is empty also.

I'm hoping I won't have to rent a very large trailer to bring back the rest.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Yesterday Dutch, a new friend from the park, came over and helped me move my trailer. I moved it over and back. The electric post is to tall to go under my slide out and I needed to back up a little, so we had to move over about a foot. I want to construct a "cat condo" for Billie. He likes to go outside and this way he can use the back window but still be safe and can't wander off.

I also have more room on the "business" side of the trailer and it will be much easier to take care of things. Now on to the pic nic table. I need to make a decision about the oil cloth for the top. so far I can't find what I wanted and now must go on to plan B. Whatever that is.

I think the Javalena got my flowers and not the bunnies. So, it is silk flowers for them!

Still working and still looking for a better job. It would be nice to work in an office and not on my feet. I don't really mind the work, but I do prefer office work. The other employees are nice and have been friendly. Speaking of work, I need to get ready for the day.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Updates in general

Flowers: Well the bunnies ate almost all of them. I did rescue them and put them on my pic-nick table. Not what I wanted to do. Yesterday I bought some yellow flowers that supposedly the bunnies do not like. We shall see.

Shed: It looks like the old color is bleeding thru and I need to repaint. Oh Well! I'm changing the color of the trim anyway, might as well re-do it all. That will be sometime this fall as it is already to hot to paint.

Nails: I have had fake nails for about 20 years now and am in the process of changing techniques. There is a new one called shellac polish. With this one they do not damage your nails like they do with the other one. So far I like it, but we shall see. My own nails are like parchment paper and very weak.

Hair: After the awful haircut I got in Ok it is finally getting where I want it. I'm not very good with my hair and need a very simple "do". I like this last haircut and we are getting it to where I wanted it in the first place.

I know these are not related to traveling, but I'm not traveling this year. Just catching my breath and setting up a "home base". Next month I'm getting my stuff from storage. Tenzin will be in Santa Fe in June and I want to go over to see her before she heads to South Africa for a semester.