Sunday, September 27, 2009

Greensboro, NC

Since my last entry I've found a park in Greensboro, NC. It has rained most every day since I arrived, but this a.m. I see sunshine.

The first day I was here I rested, for some reason I did not feel good. Billie had been sick for 2 days, so I took him to the vet. He has tonsillitis, who knew? He is on an antibiotic now, but doesn't seem to be any better. Might take him back to vet tomorrow.

I took a trip to Seagrove, NC. It is a small town that has about 100 potters. I stopped at a few and bought a present for a friend. On the way back I went to the NC Zoo. It is amazing! I didn't think I would need my camera - what a mistake!

I think I have an inner ear infection as I am dizzy when I get up or bend over and then stand up. It's been this way since Thursday. Tried benadryl, seems to help some.

The area is very nice and it is easy to get around. The park is nice and the owner/manager is very nice.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Shenandoah National Park

I decided to take a drive to see more of the state.  Yeh, right, just more trees!  Then I drove into Shenandoah Nat'l Park.  WOW!!  It is so beautiful.  I highly recommend it.  I saw dear and bears.  I could not get pictures of the bears as they were on the move and a little to deep in the woods, but WOW!  My first bear sighting. 

 I was driving in Shenandoah and listening to bluegrass, thought it could not get any better than this.  then----

I stopped at a comfort station and got something to eat and bought a cd of sounds of the park with music.  very peaceful.  I put in the cd and drove the rest of the way out of the park.

I drove that way to see how high the mountains were.  I believe the highest point was 3450.  For those of you in the west these are hills.

Tunnels of Trees

I know that everyone loves trees, me included.  However, for someone that was raised in the open desert of the southwest, the amount of trees in the eastern part of the country is a little claustrophobic.  See photos.  

Yesterday I drove from Williamsburg Va to Greensboro NC, about 250 miles.  I saw trees, that is all just trees. 

There has to be something on the other side.  I can't wait to get to open country again.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Williamsburg Va

We got here Tuesday and it is a very nice park.  Lots of trees and the spaces are long enough to park the truck with no problem.

I went to Colonial Williamsburg Wed and walked and walked.  The restoration is amazing and they have reinactments of the reading of the Declaration of Independence daily in the afternoon.  Very touching.

I was not feeling good the next day and spent it at home just resting.  However, the next day I went back and did the shops and then on to Jamestown.  Again, what a good job.  This is a national park and I expected the upkeep of the ships to be better.  They are in need of maintenance.  Sanding and varnishing is what is needed most.  I met a very nice couple on the bus trip over and we walked the park together.  It was very good to have someone to talk to about what you are seeing.

I am doing a seperate post for my trip I took yesterday.  It was really good.  

I'm trying to decide if I want to go to West Va or to North Carolina next.  the weather will have a lot to do with it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Woodbine MD

We pulled into Woodbine Sept 8th.  I was visiting an old high school chum that I had not seen in about 48 years.  She said  I could park on her land, but when I got there it was not a good spot as she was on a slight hill.  So, I went to a nearby RV park and then Billie and I went to her house and just went back to pick up clean clothes, etc.

It was really nice to see her again and reminence about old times.  Trying to remember classmates and their names!  We have been in  contact with some via facebook and  We plan on going to our 50th next October.  

She took me to Gettysburg, Pa and Washington DC.  More later about them.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hawk Mt Sanctuary

I went to Hawk Mountain Sancgtuary and it was wonderful.  I reccommend it to anyone who is in this area.  Evidently Bald Eagles, Hawks, etc migrate thru this valley in the fall and you can view them from several sites.  I saw Turkey Vultures, but was here to early in the month to see much else.

The path to the south lookout is flat and wide and very nice.  However, the path to the north lookout is quite rocky and uphill.  You can't have any knee or back problems for this one.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Trip to PA

Yesterday I left Ct.  It started out with not being able to get the trailer hitched to the truck!  After MANY tries I finally climed in the bed of the truck and got the hitch to close several times and used silicon on it.  Finally got it hitched and was on my way to the RV park to dump my tanks.  Well, the day stayed true to form and the manager was not there to let me in.  I left and was on my way!  I stopped at a rest area with tourist info and asked if they knew where a public dump site was and there was actually one there!!!  Yeh!!!  I emptied my tanks and was on my way.

The trip was 266 miles.  You would think that I would be at my destination in about 4 hours.  NOOOOO!  There was a lot of road construction with 45 mile speed limits.  I finally got here at 5pm.  Set up everything and again -  there is a tree in the satellite dishes way and the cable does not work.  

Went to bed early.